A woman found dead beneath Nasirabad bridge;corpse around five days old kept for identification at civil hospital
VoH Report
HuNZA,July 07:A body of around 40 years old woman was found dead beneath Nasirabad (Hindee) bridge here at 10.00 AM on Wednesday. According to police sources, laborers working on Karakorum High Way (KKH) expansion project informed nearby police personnel deputed at bridge about the presence of a body of any woman along the shores.
HUNZA-NAGAR: Around five days older dead body found underneath Nasirabad bridge still a mystery. Image by: Wally Shams
Police took the body and rushed to the civil hospital for necessary medical examination.According to Station House Officer, Aliabad the corpse is around five days old as her cloths were in safe condition. " We are still not came to conclusion to term it a murder, yet possibility of such an attempt can not be denied, " he added. Public were informed who kept on visiting for identification throughout the day at civil hospital premises.
The deceased, around four and half feet high, wearing a colorful string round her neck seems Chinese like in her appearance.No one has identified her as their kith and kin so far. The Medical Officer, civil hospital Aliabad, Hunza, in the view of postpartum report,said that the deceased has died of drowning saying still it was unclear whether she attempted a suicide, fell into river or was forced to jump into." There is not a single sign of external torture or injury on her body to assume it murder case," said the police sources.
People residing near the shores of Hunza-Nagar river including those whose kith and kins still not recovered from in Attaabad catastrophe also continued visited hospital on across the day. Finally, the deceased was buried in Aliabad graveyard on Monday's late evening due to failure in identification and cooling facility to await kiths for a long time. Width of spill way expended around 118.5 feet, discharge 15600 cusec; deadline or 40,000cusec by local volunteer expired, water level in Upstream recede by 13 feet, travel via boat still a risk
VoH Report
GOJAL, Hunza,Attaabad, July 02: The water level in the Attaabad lake has recede by 13 feet following the controlled blasting and subsequent rapid erosion over spill way that allowed more discharge on Western banks. According to the details, width of spill way has expended around 118.5 feet and total discharge reached to 15600 cusec including seepage and overflow from the barier. The deadline given by local volunteers to widen spill way up to 40,000cusec has expired on 29th June. Disaster hit community's volunteers who agitated against apathetic government attitude towards water release and threatened to endanger their lives by restarting the widening work in case the government takes the case with ease.
HUNZA, Attaabad: With the increase in width of the spill way, water level in the lake has reduced by around 13 inches. Photo by: Zulfiqar Ali Khan Government reaction in current scenario is still not clear as it claimed doing best according to the situaton and assured no more was expected to be submerge in upstream. It is pertinent that FwO,NdMA's one and half week efforts have brought virtually a little change as water discharge still could not reached to the target set by respective authorities. On the other hand, travelers on both sides are facing hurdles due to suspension of helicopter service from Aliabad to Gulmit, Shishkat and Pussu village thus leaving them to make arrangements via goods transferring private owned boats which according to some people is still a great risk.House fire kills three kids in Skardu
VoH Report
SKARDU, July 02: (Musa Shigri) At least three kids have been killed in a house fire that erupted in the Wednesday night here at Hussainabad town in Skardu. According to a private tv channel, the three children were reportedly burnt and lost their lives on spot. The unfortunate family suffered the loss following a heavy fire caught the whole house by a candle light lit due to load shading in the area killing two minor boys and a girl while two women were rescued from the tragedy.
Bureau Report
:(Hassan Mohammad Zaman) World Bank has categorically refused to fund water and energy projects in Azad Jammu Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan including the Diamir-Bhasha dam in Pakistan, on alleged Indian objections. The World Bank isn’t ready to fund any projects in disputed area.
The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) of Pakistan were told about the refusal in a recent meeting. Water and Power Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, WAPDA chairman Shakeel Durrani, officials of the planning commission the finance ministry and the Economic Affairs Division attended the meeting held at the Water and Power ministry on hydropower generation and water resources. The bank’s refusal to provide funds has virtually endangered the practicability of the Bhasha Dam. Based on technical and feasibility reports, huge amounts have already been spent since 2006. WAPDA required thirty to forty billion dollars for the project, including the Bhasha Dam and another 15 projects to meet the growing electricity requirements through cheap power.Frequent power outages have caused huge country wide protests increasing the pressure on government to build new water reservoirs. According to media source,WAPDA officials informed about it to National Assembly (NA) standing committee on inter-provincial coordination here Friday.The officials informed members of the standing committee that India had called to question the status of Gilgit – Baltistan and the World Bank apparently, declared the Indian stance correct.KNM appoints Umar Farooq advocate as new chairman
VoH Report
GILGIT, July 01:(Jamil Sumayari) Karakorum National Movement( KNM) has formally appointed Umar Farooq advocate as its new chairman during a meeting of Central cabinet here at a local hotle in Gilgit city. The inter party polling was held under Mumtaz Hussain Shigri as election commissioner on the same day where in Umar Farooq secured 42 votes against 20 votes by Ijlal Hussain.And the party leadership of all provinces including federal capital unanimously elected Umar Farooq advocate as the new chairman of the party.Javed Hussain was selected as vice chairman, Taruf Hussain and doctor Habib as general and public relations secretary respectively. While Shah Zaman as information and Qayum Khan would act as finance secretary for the party.
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Dammned it! I can't help my self to ponder for a while the things are happening around me. During journalistic career, we learnt the area I mean this beautiful valley Hunza-Nagar had a crime free zone bounded by tribal norms of mutual regard. Hearing of a news of a female body along hunza river can be a big questions for society; whether to realize negative trends when talking in context of this fabricated area, is a devastating efforts over few of last years. Black and white record of suicide and murder cases buried beneath earth are no more do now. We all should think over issues when talking of human rights as a vital part of such cases.