Hunza-Nagar gets heavy rain pour,problems of IDPs increased, roads portray water pools in numerous areas; electricity disappeared
VoH Report
HUNZA, Shishkat, Gulmit,July 23:
The two days continual heavy rain pour across Hunza -Nagar served to decrease temperature and created additional problems to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). According to the details, Hunza and outskirts received continual rain fall, started on Wednesday afternoon till the midnight of Thursday resulted into numerous problems for dwellers especially those in temporary relief camps at Altit portraying a picture of slum area as water entered in few tents. Around 99 millimeter fall has been recorded in Central Hunza, an official of meteorological department told VoH via cell phone.
On the other hand, transport on Karakorum High Way(KKH) remained very low due to its vulnerable condition across the region. Consequently, link road, connecting F.G.Boys degree college, Aliabad and Girls Inter college, Karimabad is being used by traffic, overburdening a narrow, poorly maintained road as an alternate route in emergency. The decades ago constructed road in question has no bridge at Nallas, Furu, Asha and Her connecting various localities in the area. Situation become critical especially for school going children and female pedestrians in summer as the flood hinder their movement besides disturbing traffic. Our representatives since the time known used to make pledges to improve its condition could not materialized yet. Public circles demand for construction of bridges at respective Nallas to facilitate both public and traffic of the area.
Scorching sun accelerates glacier melting rate in Upstream for last two days; sliding remained continued over the blockade, out flow increases as the spill way widens of rapid erosion
VoH Report
Attaabad, Gulmit, Hunza,July 21: The high temperature for last two days has accelerated melting rate of glaciers in Upstream serving to increase inflow in the barrier. According to the media reports, least difference between inflow and outflow has reportedly halted any further increase in level of water in the Attaabad land slide spawned lake. Nevertheless, the gradual widening of spill way due to rapid erosion gave more way for overflow, bringing the discharge around 21,500 Cusec at exit point.
On the other hand, a huge part of the mount above the blockade as well as the Eastern part of devastated Attabad and Sarat hamlet is in vulnerable condition as the land sliding remained continue from the dawn to dust. Geological experts, monitoring the movement of glaciers, rocks and water has warned of slid of this huge part at the bottleneck around the blockade site. Public circles have demanded of government to take possible steps to avert any mishap and ensure moment of commuters. Experts feared in case of slide of such a huge mass may serve to block flow of water via spill way.
ASA calls for collaborative concious relief efforts
VoH Report By: John
KARACHI, July 20: Attaabad Students Association (ASA), Karachi chapter has called for the all youth associations of Gilgit-Baltistan to drive collaborative efforts to induce authorities regarding rehabilitation process of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) on priority basis to push the reallocation of Upstream areas in the second phase. According to our correspondent, ASA convened a meeting of all youth associations on Monday evening. The meeting aimed to chalk out strategy to resolution rehabilitation process of affectees was attended by three major youth associations:Hunza-Nagar, Gilgit-Baltistan Youth association and Gojal Ismaili Students Association, Karachi Chapter.
KARACHI: Representatives of youth and students associations of Gilgit Baltistan, on call of Attaabad Students Association vow to initiate concious efforts for the rehebilitation of the affectees of Attaabad disaster. Image by: John
The envoys of associations criticized government's show of relief to IDPs and urged for an effective mechanism leading to pressurize authorities for immediate rehabilitation. Speakers at the moment expressed serious concerns over empty promises by both federal and regional government officials as well as representatives that proved nothing but political slogans. Meanwhile, speakers identified issues rose out of post disaster scenario including IDP's withered life at relief camps, financial burden that forced various families to entrust their children to numerous NGOs; besides psychological problems, affectees were uncertain of their future as red tap in bureaucracy and disgusting attitude on part of political leadership has added a fuel to their sufferings.
Representatives of these associations called on the other regional associations to join hand saying there was no reasons to wait further and cherish hope for any relief from government. Besides, participants demanded of authorities to involve educated youth in rehabilitation planning and execution andvowed to rise up united to preserve the interest of the people affected of disaster.
KIU announces SSC results; Kamaluddin of Ideal Muslim School remained first; overall result 44.49%
VoH Report
GILGIT, July 20: After an
exhaustive time line, Karakorum International University announced its SSC (metric) final result formally available on its website. The university came on fire from different circles especially of the vigilant regional bloggers for its inefficiency on pretext of a deal that expired last week.
According to the details, Kamaluddin of Ideal Muslim School stood got first position with 880 marks. While Amjad Hussain and Nausheen secured 847 and 840 and remained second and third respectively."Out of 13020 students appeared only 5793 passed in the examination; and overall result reamined 44.49 percent this year, said the university sources via telephone.
Following link can be use to see results on web:
Man shod dead in Head qaurter hospital Gilgit
Bureau Report
GILGIT, July 20: A man under treatment in the intense care unit (ICU) has been reported killed by an unknown person covered in veil rushed in the head qaurter hospital, Gilgit at 4:00 PM and opened fire on 39 years old Sharafat Hussain. According to the media reports, deceased who was reportedly wounded alledgely was admitted a day earlier in a serious condition in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital. After the incident, family, kit and kins protested against lack of proper security and demanded for immediate arrest of culprit. Later, police detained a suspect bearing a pistal of illegal bore in the market area and started legal action against him.
Protestors march againt load sheding in PunialBureau ReportGHIZAR,Seengle July 19: Residents of Japhukhay and Goharabad, Punial staged a demonstration against the Gilgit Baltistan Power and Works Department(GBPWD) over unscheduled load sheding in their respective villages on Sunday, at 10:00 AM. According to a regional Urdu daily, protectors marched to the hydro power plant seengle to voice over the proposed load shedding. Protectors chanted slogans against PWD officials and demanded of restoration of power their villages.
Residents of both villages annoyed of unscheduled load shedding came out for the first time as these two village were selected only in these regard. While rest of Punial was getting supply daily. On pressure of protectors, PWD officials resumed the supply to their respective places.
Govt to continue supporting new GB government: Kaira
VoH News Watch
IT, July 17 (APP): Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Kaira has said that Federal government would continue its support to new government of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) adding that GB government had competent members to lead its affairs.Talking to reporters at his rival here at local Airport on two-day visit, the Minister said that the federal government will keep extending all sort of assistance to GB government. He expressed pleasure that people of Gilgit-Baltistan were empowered during his tenure and now he was witnessing a strong and independent government enjoying complete autonomy.
Yar-KAB IS LOADSHEDING KI AZAB SAY CHUTKARA MILAY GAA? Yeh toh acha tha kih Naji Jeet jatay. Com az com who toh is masalay say chutkara diladete. Damn GBPWD high officials.
Time to cry for relief and hopes over. Let us join hands, shun differences to catch authorities at collar to make them remember their duties.