GB-Govt grants jobs quota for people of Hunza Nagar: MLA
VoH Report
HUNZA, Jul 16 (APP): The district president Pakistan Muslim League Qaid-e-Azam (PML-Q), Member Legislative Assembly (MLA) Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) Mirza Hussain said job quota should be given to the people of Hunza Nagar and there should not be appointed any people from other districts. Talking to APP here Thursday he said there was no deficiency of talent in the district. The people of Hunza Nagar were very intelligent, able, educated and hard worker and can tackle any type of administrative post.
He said Hunza Nagar was newly made district and the opportunities for different jobs should only be given to people of the district. “The people of Hunza Nagar were already worried due to the Ataabad Lake incident and the government should provide them relief through job opportunities,” he said.
Muhammad Jafar announces 200,000 each family addendum in proir approved relief package; assured IDPs for a consolidated comprehensive package; protestors calls off strike for some days
VoH Report
HUNZA, Aliabad, July 16: Minister for Food and live stock Syed Muhammad Jafar and senior leader of Pakistan Peoples Party, Gilgit-Baltistan chapter announced 200,000 each family addendum in proir approved relief package and ensured Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) for a comprehesive consolidated package to be announced with in next few days. According to the details, food and live stock minister met Affectees on Wednesday, discussed with the relief committee in detail and announced PKR.200,000 as addendum in the earlier relief package on his own discretion from the national exchequer. Talking to Voice of Hunza, here at Aliabad, Mr. Safdar Khan, secretary information Attaabad, Sarat Affectees Relief Committee said the protestors have called of strike after the assurance of food and live stock minister for a cosolidated relief package for the affectees within a week. Answering to a question whether the affectees or IDPs were happy with the announcement of minister he said that for the time being we have accepted it as an immediate relief announcement saying our protest for a revised compensation plan still exists and can go ahead for that at any cost. He claimed that Mr. Jafar has assured protestors who reached at western end of lake's facade, a red zone declared by geological experts and authorities,and risked their lives in desparation as the government kept on pledging relief package verbally not practically. Interestingly, few concerned departments of our local governments, like that of Reveneu collection and control that leaves no stone to fill to irk a common man for even a pitty work through demands of bribes in the name of additional fee is in perplexity. The department, despite of a period of 5 months, could not prepare a relief package based on assesment of the ruined villages, Attaabad and Sarat as being a part of bureaucracy, it is a biggest example of red-tap and inresponsible attitudes towards sufferings of a common man.
President asks Shah to pay special attention to communication projects in Gilgit-Baltistan
Monitoring Desk
ISLAMABAD, July 13 (APP): Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan, Syed Mehdi Shah on Tuesday called
on President Asif Ali Zardari at Aiwan-e-Sadr. Matters relating to rehabilitation of AttaAbad lake victims of Hunza valley, development projects, provision of funds for the developmental projects, extension of Peoples Works Programme to Gilgit-Baltistan, creation of tax-free zone, Women University,extension of Women’s Bank to Gilgit-Baltistan were discussed during the meeting.
The President asked the Chief Minister to pay special attention to communications and connectivity projects in Gilgit-Baltistan which,he said, were crucial for the long term development of the region. The President apprised the Chief Minister that two MoUs had been signed during his recently concluded visit to China for building of 165 km long Jaglot- Skardu road and 135 km long Thakot-Sazin road.
He said that Pakistan was also seeking Chinese assistance in the proposed realignment of Karakurram Highway - a part of which had been submerged in the AttaAbad Lake. The President also urged for undertaking all possible measures for rehabilitation and maximum facilitation of the victims of AttaAbad Lake. He said that the federal government would continue to assist local authorities and provide all possible support for relief and rehabilitation of the displaced people through the National Disaster Management Authority, Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal, BISP and other government agencies. Syed Mehdi Shah thanked the President for his keen interest in development of Gilgit- Baltistan and rehabilitation of AttaAbad lake victims.
On the other hand, geological experts observing the movement of rocks have warned of possiblity of fall of rest of the fourtty percent are and asked public to avoid to get approach to the red zones.
Strikers vows to continue strike till acceptance to their demands for revised compensation;half of Attaabad ready to slid
VoH Report
HUNZA, Attaabad, July 12: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Attaabad and Sarat village, who after spending around four and half months finally compelled to risk their lives, gathered near blockade and on strike against government's negligence in rehabilitation process. Around 310 IDPs including male, female and children have established protest camps.
Protestors blocked the temporary jeep able road to the Western facade of the blockade and commuters stranded virtually on both sides who later returned to from they came. According to the Secretary information of both disaster hit places, Safdar Ali told VoH via telephone that affectees have planned to continue their strike until and unless government does not show its willingness to accept their demands of immediate rehabilitation. " Mere a compensation of 600,000 rupee for every household is insufficient to buy and build and new shelter somewhere in the region," he maintained. Continuous rock fall and potential land failure engulfed region in fog for last four days thus created hurdles for boat service. Consequently, authorities suspended boat service to upstream.
Victims threaten to evict monitoring team
VoH Monitoring Report
GILGIT, Hunza July 11: The victims of the Attabad Lake disaster have raised doubts about the work of a monitoring team in Hunza, citing its failure to drain the 23-kilometre long lake over the past six months. “What is the use of these people?” the villagers questioned the presence of the lake monitoring team in Hunza, adding that they deserved to be expelled from the area.
“The lake is still there even after six months and we can’t go back to our homes,” they said. A team of experts comprising Frontier Works Organisation (FWO) engineers has been monitoring the landslide-spurred lake since January 4 – the day a massive landslide hit Attabad – to ensure the safety of local people if it bursts its banks.The villagers who earlier staged a sit-in in the spillway for three days against the insufficient compensation package have now threatened to force the experts and the monitoring team out of the disaster-hit areas on grounds that they have not succeeded in draining the lake that has submerged five villages upstream. “The rigid attitude of the government has compelled us to take this extreme step,” a villager in Hunza told the media. “The government is neither accepting our demands for increase in the compensation package, nor is it doing enough to drain the lake which has turned us into IDPs,” said one of the victims of Shishkat village who lost his house and fields to the expanding lake.About 20 people were killed and many more injured in the landslide that swept away hundreds of houses in the Attabad village.
The experts had declared the remaining part of the Attabad village and its adjacent village – Sarat as ‘extremely vulnerable’ after the landslide, but the victims say that they have now decided to return to their villages at all cost. More than 25,000 people from villages downstream were shifted to camps after experts warned the government last month that if the lake bursts its banks, a flashflood could sweep away everything that comes in its way. Meanwhile, landslides continued to rock the Attabad Lake on Saturday, creating fears among the residents living in adjacent villages. People said that they saw dust clouds over Attabad that lasted for hours.
Source: The Express Tribune
Shia Imami Ismaili Muslim community observes 53rd Imamat day with simplicity; special prayers were held for peace, inter-communal harmony and prosperity; speakers in public gatherings highlight Aga Khan's contributions for humanity; mountain lightening glittered valleys in Gilgit-Baltistan
VoH Report
July 11: Shia Imami Ismaili community of Muslims Ummah celebrated 'Yaum-e-Imamat', the day of succession of Shah Karim al-Hussaini,known as Aga Khan (4th) as 49th Imam (leader) on Sundary 11 July, 2010. The day marked with and started with special prayers for integrity, global peace, inter communal faith harmony, prosperity of the country and for the resolution of challenges by humanity in to days world. Speakers in public gatherings highlighted contribution of Aga Khan (iv) for human well being across the world through a comprehensive net work named Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), working for the improvement of health care facilities, socio-economic, cultural, intellectual development and inter-communal faith harmony across the globe.
Shah Karim Al-Hussaini succeed his grand father Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah (Aga Khan iii)
around 53 years back in 1957 as an Imam of the community in a young age. Like his grand father, he proved himself a leader of global raport and delivered numerous accomplishments not only for his own community, Muslim umma but also for rest of the world without any discrimination of caste, creed, faith,and culture. It was his dynamic leadership of Him and his grand father that with in a short span of time, his community emerged as a stable, well organized and knowledge based entity across the world. According to the senior citizens of the the region, it was first ever visit of Aga Khan (4th)in 1960s, this area started to stand on its foot as he started new initiatives to improve standard of living of the people under the banner of Aga Khan foundation.
His unprecedented efforts in Islamic world for preservation of civilization as a mean of Identity as a nation and constant emphasis to respect pluralism, diversity, tolerance, acceptance, integrity, co-existence, equal opportunity, hard work, humanitarian work and after all to hold ourselves responsible of our acts before a supreme power are the some of the key factors to solve the challenges faced by the contemporary world in term of revolts, extremism and violence.
Shah Karim Al-Hussaini, Aga Khan, 49th contemporary spiritual leader of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslim community enjoys global regard for his philanthropic work for humanity.
On the occasion of Imamat day, we the team of VoH would like to extend our heartiest wishes to the followers of Shia Imami Ismaili community and pray for a violence free just global society where terms namely uneven distribution of wealth, oppression, tyranny, intolerance, apathy and arrogance hardly found there in.
HUNZA, Hyderabad: A community centre elumintated with lighening bulbs give a chamful feelings on 53rd Imamat day of Aga Khan as 49th Imam
Yet, there exists concerns of even those belong to the community over the conventional methods and projects hardly address the socio-economic and intellectual needs of the the people saying a visible deviation for the reason these institutions under AKDN were established.
Attaabad's potential continous land failure engulfs valleys in fog; boulders falling closed to spill way plays a havoc
VoH Report
HUNZA,July 10: The continuously potential land failure of rest of the devastated Attaabad hamlet for last five days and falling of heavy boulders in spill way has created panic among the people in Upstream as the water level again surged around five inches within a week. According to the media sources,heavy boulders continued to fall over and around spill way has played havoc among commuters, traveling via boat services from and to blockade site as they served to create high tides on surface.
Heavy fog emerged out of consistent partially ruined Attaabad settlement Eastward kept Attaabad, Sarat, Salmanabad, Ahmedabad, Altit and even Hisper valley engulfed for last three days. According to a laborer working at blockade site said that unexpected rock falling has virtually hampered boat service that was resumed resently to shift goods and public adding few laborers and a worker of Fwo has injured in sliding.
On the oteher hand, hundreds of IDPs of Attaabad, Sarat and Salmanabad have warned regional government to restart decisive protest at the facades of the barrier till the acceptance of their demands.
Hunzo-e-Maraka ensures IDPs their support
VoH Report
HUNZA, Aliabad, July 09: According to the media sources, Hunzo-e-Maraka (council of elders of Hunza) has ensured its due support to the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of disaster hit Sarat and Attaabad villages during a meeting with protestors near blockade. Affectees, after a wait of more than a half year, in desparation has resorted to protest as the last option to voice before the apathetic government that deliver nothing but false promises and half lies, said a member of Hunzo-e-Maraka.
Affectees meanwhile also met with force commander who listened to their demands carefully and vowed to get them approved soon. Following the meeting Hunzo-e-Maraka has demanded of government to either deliver its promises or get ready to face public agitation.
IDPs reach red zone area, risk their lives, stages sit in nearby lake;vows to continue protest till approval to their demands
VoH Report
HUNZA, Attaabad,July 8: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Attaabad and Sarat hamlets, the earliest disaster hit population in the fatal land slide incident of January 04, 2010 reached risking their lives and staged a sit in near the lake for the approval of their demands including proper compensation based on their needs. According to the details, a large number of protesters from the both villages marched to wards the lake on Wednesday to record their protest against failure of the government to materialize her pledges of a comprehensive plan on rehabilitation of affectees last month. The angry male protesters,established temporary camps to facilitate them till an indefinite time the public representatives including Syed Mehdi Shah, Governor doctor Shama Khalid and ministers of Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Council visit the site to listen to their due demands.
According to Safdar Khan, a resident of Attaabad, affectees have shown unwillingness towards the compensation of 0.6 million per house hold saying saying the amount annouced by government was a meager one and will hardly meet the needs in process of relocation in any other feasible place. It was also known that displaced people of the both villages had asked government to reassess the needs of the population and after revision to give them a proper package, over which nothing was done.
Government authorities after a detailed dialogue with protesters ensured to get their demands approved and sought three days for a new package. Majority of protestors, reportedly declined to keep faith over authorities for their failure to keep their promises earlier.
Dilapidated roads,unearth ditches on KKH makes pubic transport dear,who should be held responsible?VoH Report HUNZA,July 09: Karakorum High Way (KKH), a major land route link of Sino-Pak trade and known as seventh wonder of the world is now a days in vulnerable condition.
HUNZA, Aliabad: The Karakorum High Way (KKH), the only Sino-Pak land trade link tuned into water pools after heavy rain fall at busy places of Aliabad, the commercial hub of Hunza-Nagar is a good picture of negligance by road consruction and regularity authorities of both the countries. VoH Photo During the reign of General (r) Pervez Musharraf,former president,the contract of the expansion of this vital road was given to a foreign building and construction firm called Chinese Road and Bridge Constructions (CRBC) around two years back with a target of 65 feet wide was reduced by 40 feet after the consultation with contemporary regime.
HUNZA, Aliabad: Contrary to claims with high sounding words by both the governments to strenthen trade links, the picture is enough to portray the condition of the only land link for Sino-Pak trade. Heavy rainfall in Central Hunza like at Aliabad, the main hub of commercial activities in Hunza-Nagar portrays a sciene of slum area where virtually light vihicles used to stuck in the mid of water poles. VoH PhotoBesides reduction in width, the road at every next point left open, posing passangers to road mishaps on pretext of Attaabad lake's out burst . Pace of work across the region is comparatively slow than before and few contractors of the firm have able to complete projects, given. The situation during last heavy rain pour that turned dilapidated road filled with muddy water into nightmare has served to infuse anger among population against road construction authorities. Poor road condition has caused to drop number of vehicles being run in public transport, increasing problems of a common man where, patients and school going children are the main sufferers in this scenario. Public circles have demanded of government to direct Chinese firm to cover ditches as soon as they get accomplish to facilitate local population.
Frequent power breakdowns irks masses in Chilas
VoH Report
CHILAS, July 09: (Jahangir Khan) With commencement of summer sunny days with burning temperature, frequent power breakdowns in Chilas city has made common life miserable. According to the details, Power department, Diamer like in past has started to rely on unscheduled load shading to tackle shortfall in Chilas, headquarter of the Diamer district. Consequently, besides problems for floor mill owners and students, commercial activities have been come to grinding halt as the temperature during day time rose up to 41 degree centigrade. Public circles had demanded of concerned authorities to make arrangements to check unnecessary use by consumers help ensure provision of electricity accordingly.
Shandur festival on peak
Voice of Hunza
SHANDuR: Players dance on the pitch to the beat of drums after the first match of the annual Shandur polo festival from a nearby hillside, about 200 km (124 miles) northwest of Chitral July 7, 2010. The polo festival, played at an estimated altitude of 3700 meters, has been running annually since 1936. Photo by: RoutersAround 170 teaching staff to be promoted to grade 14; PPP govt approved a balance budget in last 6 decades regional history, increments in pay of police, other departments implies internal autonomy says Ali Madad Sher
VoH Report
GILGIT, July 09: Ali Madad Sher, minister for education and spokesman to Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan has said that PPP government for the first time succeeded to get a balanced budget approved during last six decades of regional history.Talking to media persons, here at Gilgit he asserted that amount worth 350 million rupee from regional revenue also included in the fiscal year2010-11 budget. He pledged to promote around 170 teachers to grade 14. Mr. Sher said that the volume of Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly is different from other provinces for many reasons and one of them is we lack our own revenue from private and public sector. "The recent increment by 100% in the pay of police personnel implies our greater internal autonomy in decision making than before," he claimed.
SIIBS earns public appraise;humanitarian work a virtue: says Essa Khan
VoH Report
HUNZA,Aliabad, July 08: Humanitarian work to facilitate and give a relief to those in difficulties and hit by disasters is a valueless work. This was stated by Essa Khan, vice Chairman and superintendent general, Pakistan Mine Discovery International (Pvt) limited and well known social worker of Gojal, Upper Hunza, while talking to VoH (Voice of Hunza) on his return from down cities.
HUNZA, Aliabad: A group photo of SIIBS deputed at helipad playing a vital role as they serve day and night dedicately in reief operations. VoH PhotoHe applauded the Shia Imami Ismaili Boy Scouts for their dedicated relief work along other humanitarian assistance agencies and organizations like FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance Pakistan, Red-Crescent, Karakorum Area Development Organization (KADO) at helipad round the clock. He awarded with them PkR 1500 in recognition of their services to commuters using airlift due to water blockade at Attaabad from and to Aliabad and to Upstream valleys.
Speaker not satisfy with the water release efforts
VoH Report
HuNZA,July 07: " We have entrusted the water release task to NDMA and FWO who have pledged to meet the target of widening of spill way but the stratgy being used seems unsatisfactory". These views were stated by Wazir Baig, speaker Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly (GBLA) while talking to VoH here at Hunza. " It does not mean the government is unaware about public sufferings rather we are observing every moment round the clock to escape every possible danger,: claimed the speaker. He said that certain anti government elements were trying to create misunderstanding among the dwellers of Hunza-Nagar saying such efforts would be annulled. He asserted that under the directives of President Asif Ali Zardari, a special rehabilitation plan for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Attaabad, Sarat, Ayeenabad, Nazimabad, Gulmit and Husani was under way saying further assistance to be considered if needed. He paid rich tribute to senior party activist on his death two days back saying he had worked a lot for both the welfare of people and the party itself and was a role model every one in party.He further said that there was no shortage of necessary goods for public. " Helicopters of Pakista
n Army have supplied a stock of essentials for next three months after an extensive survey keeping in view any challenge that may rise in backdrop of geological chages with increasing pressure over per square feet under the blockade water in future," he added.
How long should we wait over this curse! Never has we seen this sort of business by authorities. NHA and government took bribes from compensation of poor families given their precious land. But what did our govts given them back! People beseech for compensation were derogated little from. Thanks Shams dear for identifying & addressing potential issues others in media little bother to take up dear.
Hamaray logoon ko iss say gharz hay kih log chahay maray ya zinda rahay, unhay toh appnay pait bahrnay say hay gharz. Yahan kone kisi ka sochtaa piyaray. Mujay aap ki aali zarfi aor himmat ko salam denah chahiye kih akalay itna kutch Qaum Kailiyeh karrahay ho!