Monitoring desk

In a televised speech, PM Gilani praised the “remarkable” role of the army chief in the war against terrorism and the objectives achieved by the army under his leadership in militancy-hit areas of the country. “The success of military operations could only have been achieved under General Ashfaq Kayani’s leadership. He has been involved in planning and monitoring of operations in militancy-hit areas. These operations are at a critical stage and successful continuation of these operations required continuation in military high command,” Gilani said. “General Kayani is held in high esteem at the international level due to his excellent military leadership qualities and pro-democracy views. In the best interest of the nation, I, in a capacity as prime minister, have decided to give General Kayani a three-year extension in his service from November 29, 2010, relaxing the rules, and after consulting President Asif Ali Zardari,” Gilani said. He said the country was passing through difficult times, as the government was engaged in a war against terrorism.
Mainstream political parties including the PML-N, when contacted, opted not to give any immediate reaction to the development, saying they would announce their official statement later. However, it is widely believed that the US played an important role in the decision, as Gen Kayani is actively engaged with the US and NATO in the strategic planning of the ongoing war against militancy. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is also believed to have lobbied for General Kayani’s extension during her recent visit to Pakistan where she met the country’s top civilian and military leadership, Daily Times reported.
VoH Monitor

The roof of Shahdara Town resident Zaheer Abbas collapsed due to extensive rain. Shajar Ali 3 and his brother Rajab died on spot while their parents received injuries. The parents were discharged from hospital after treatment.
Both the children were asleep when the incident took place. Zaheer Abbas informed that the roof of his house collapsed due to extensive rains, a daily News paper Pakistan reports.
Monitoring desk

The second and third parts consisted of the long ‘tannoura’ dance, which is religious in focus. In the first of these, six group dancers stood or moved in various formations, circling the central dancer in the same direction, with the speed of the ircling varying from slow to fast and vice-versa. Their movements were synchronised and changed with precision for each different formation, while the central dancer remained in the same place on stage for the duration of his performance. He began by playing three brightly coloured drums and twirling at the same time. After a few other changes like removing his jacket and the brightly coloured top skirt, the extended, trance-like portion of the dance began, with the vocalist continuing his chant accompanied by the musicians and concluded with the central figure unfolding a cloth with ‘Allah’ on its top fold and other inscriptions, which were seen when he unfolded the cloth. He then refolded it and passed it to one of the musicians — all the while swirling, reaching a crescendo and then slowing down to end the presentation. The second part had three twirling dancers also outfitted in colourful costumes — these highlight the swirling — and they too gave a mesmerising performance with a few additional twists and turns — the dance is full of philosophical concepts reflecting the man’s spiritual dilemma in understanding the universe from the Sufis’ point of view. However, this dance has been enriched by the colourful variations of the Egyptian folk lifestyle. Addressing the gathering at the end of the performance, Ambassador Magdy Amer thanked his guests for attending the function and promised that there would be more such cultural performances in future. Egyptian culture has six thousand years of recorded history. Here it will be relevant to add that according to experts, ancient Egypt was among the earliest civilisations and for millennia, Egypt maintained a strikingly complex and stable culture that influenced later cultures of Europe, the Middle East and other African countries. After the era of the Pharaohs, Egypt came under the influence of Hellenism, Christianity and Islamic culture. Today, many aspects of Egypt’s ancient culture exist in interaction with newer elements, including the influence of modern Western culture, itself with roots in ancient Egypt.
The Al-Tannoura troupe was established by the Egyptian Ministry of Sports and Culture in 1988 to revive the traditional artistic and cultural influences that were about to be lost. Egypt’s capital city, Cairo, is Africa’s largest city and has been renowned for centuries as a centre of learning, culture and commerce.The News International
VoH News Watch

On one hand, a number of universities has sought more time from the HEC after the expiry of the deadline for completing the verification process, and the prime minister’s new directive for submitting the verification reports to the education minister rather than the National Assembly Standing Committee on Education that is headed by an opposition lawmaker, has added to the mess. In the meeting with HEC Chairman Javed Leghari, Gilani had directed him to submit verification reports of degrees to Education Minister Assef Ahmed, instead of submitting them to the National Assembly Standing Committee for Education, headed by PML-N’s Abid Sher Ali.
The Election Commission of Pakistan and the Supreme Court, which had directly sent some degrees for verification, are also waiting for HEC’s report. Following Gilani’s directive, the HEC on Tuesday sent its report to the education minister, declaring 183 degrees valid, while reporting 37 to be fake. However, the names of the degree holders have not been made public so far.
Monitoring Desk

The broad-based record note was signed on Sunday evening at the Prime Minister’s House in the presence of Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.The note said, “Pakistan and Afghanistan hope that the resolution of all outstanding matters relating to the finalisation of the Afghan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (APTTA) will help in the early signing of the agreement, after completion of legal processes from both sides.” Access: The two sides agreed that no Indian export to Afghanistan will be allowed through Wahga, however, Afghanistan would have the opportunity to export to India. Reciprocally, Pakistan would be able to export its goods to Central Asia through Afghanistan. The agreement thus signed would be an important milestone in the development of Pak-Afghan trade and economic relationship and would benefit both sides. The note, signed by Commerce Minister Makhdoom Muhammad Amin Faheem, and Afghan Minister for Commerce and Industries Dr Anwarul Haq Ahady, mentions that trucks from Afghanistan would be allowed to carry Afghan transit export cargo on designated routes to Pakistani seaports, as well as the Wahga border.Afghan trucks, on return, will be permitted to carry goods from Pakistan to Afghanistan under the same expeditious procedures and conditions as Pakistani transport units. It was also decided that all Afghan transit goods would be exported in containers of international specifications. For a period of three years, the cargo would be allowed to be transported in internationally acceptable and verifiable standards of seal-able trucks, while oversize and bulk cargo, which is not imported in container-shiploads, would be transported in open trucks or other transport units. It was also agreed that perishable goods in transit would be transported in open trucks or other transport units.Courtesy: Daily Times
Hillary Clinton to arrive Pakistan on Sunday for Strategic dialogue process;Upcoming round of Pak-US strategic talks to advance progress: Zardari

On the other hand, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will arrive here on Sunday for two days visit to Pakistan to consult with leaders on bilateral and regional issues.She will also participate with her delegation in a meeting of the bi-lateral Ministerial-level Strategic Dialogue with Pakistan being held at Foreign Office here on Monday, said a statement issued by U.S. Embassy here on Saturday. Hillary Clinton will also chair a meeting of the Strategic Dialogue with her counterpart, Foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.
VOH Monitoring Report

According to the bomb disposal squad, one pound worth of explosive material was used in the blast that took place in the Garhi Shahu area, whereas the cause of the Begum Kot blast had still not been determined. CCPO Lahore Aslam Tareen stated that investigations for both the blasts were underway and the police had started a search operation in various areas of the city. He said that there was a possibility that locals were involved in the attacks. – DawnNews
Monitoring desk

Very few names retained public love. Kiyani's one kept aloof from dirty games of politics and focussed on his professional duties. Love kiyani, love democracy, love army!
Egyptian traditional dance is marvelous. so is its Harmeila.