Now we come to the over all change, witnessed by the Gilgit-Baltistan region in terms of change in standard of living,attitudes,approaches and responses in our daily lives. Frankly speaking, the scattered populated periphery with animal husbandry and livestock, according to the ancestors and available data started to witness very first time a cult when NGOs especially AKF started its operations from eduction, agriculture to health services, first for as a board for a particular community and areas than to all communities in the region.
Gradually things started to change on political front when the princely status of various areas like Hunza, Nagar, Yasin, Baltistan was replaced with quasi-democratic structure, thus infusing a new adict of federalism among the masses in a new bottle. Masses realizing about their fundamental rights demanded for developmental initiatives and by late ninty's, government, in order to reduce intensity partially materialized its pledges made by its various rulers during their tours to this backward area. On the other extreme, Non governmental organizations, under its short run policies introduces numerous ventures unknown to indigenous population due to lack of information and expertise namely pure, safe drinking water,raw food processing, seed, cash crop production,new forming methods, house building and planning,and handicrafts etc. The tendency continued till the mid of the first decade of 21st century when the capacity of majority of these NGOs suffered unsustainable and less productive out come of its poorly planned initiatives irrespective of needs of time for a particular areas of operation as most of them relied to show big picture there of. With the infusion of of information communication technology in the forms of cell phones, electronic media and internet which replaced conventional means of communications where has made life easier and comfortable than before has also served to bring new challenges like proper use, relating with cultural norms and benefit for a healthy society; and anger access to education, with low cost primary education in the region is taken as a catalyst to intensify the tendency across the region. As A.Swindler once said that in the crowd of human kind, culture resembles a tool kit from which people adopt behaviors and create understanding. An issue may arise if individuals go against the values in the name of change to cater mere a contemporary thus affecting the implications outs of their needs whether in an institution or community. Nevertheless, as Hegelian in classic dialitc model that change starts with thesis (idea) and opposed by antithesis and later is filtered into a new form synthesis, the visible manifestation of change in relationship serve a deviation from myths and traditional approaches towards the practical problems of life. This is he case with the pattern of change in the region. Though the regional gained a haphazard material development within a small time period of 45 years right from 1960, yet it hardly able to gain mental development among the new generation thus creating a gap between the both.
An outlook of such a social change in todays scenario to attain a desired balanced nomenclature would need respecting indigenous and adoption of healthy values to turn into a sustainable democratice society.Otherwise, chasing only material gain would devoid our coming generation of legacy of mutual respect and acceptance
Hunza got a haphazard development in few decades after replacement of monarchy with a mixed democracy-dictator typed rule over the whole of G.B. NGO culture and mis-interpretation of political struggle given harm area. People living here abstain voice over rights and is of course a disastrous perception in a state with heterogeneous entities and where rights are taken by force not mere with expectations.