Arm attack, it was said left at least three people seriously injured creating sense of insecurity among the residents of city of possibility of communal based conflict in the region. Regional government has embarked on a rigorous search operation to confiscate illegal weapons at different sensitive places to avert possible riots among two major communities in the city. The incident has generated serious reservation regarding the success of ongoing search operations for the public circles imply biased attitude on part of civil and political administration for unknown reasons.
Monitorng desk
The most lethargic response has been said to come from Aga Khan Health Services ‘Pakistan (AKHS’P) who failed to render the immediately need requirements of the people of Attabad Disaster. In this regard the regional board of Aga Khan Health Services has shown it helplessness. When the matter has been further investigated it has been revealed that the Chairperson Dr. Samina and Dr. Rozina Mistri the Director of Aga Khan Health Service Resource Center (AKHSRC) have continuously creating hurdles to all programme that are intended to benefit in general the poor people of Gilgit-Baltistan and particularly the IDPs of Attabad disaster.
Furthermore the role of Ismaili National Council has been very unsatisfactory to address the needs of hard hit community members of Attabad Disaster who are forced to live in shambles at IDP camps without proper care. A community members at Altit camp states that “we had always great hope with our institutions, however due to the lack of interest and inadequate response me and my family members (wife, two daughters and two sons) all under the age of 12 are forced to live in a single room for over 10 months”.
A women in her 30s stated that “ I do face sever health problems, I have a one year old son to be fed, but I cannot feed him properly and there is no appropriate service available for health care. My little son is getting weaker day by day”. It is a highly apprehensive situation where it has been realized that the power holders of Ismaili Community based in South have completely ignored the devastation affected people of North of Pakistan.
VoH Report

Finance department sources of Gilgit Baltistan confirmed the move saying development is under way and expected to be materialized in next few months following the approval of report. State bank of Pakistan (SBP) which regulates the transactions and code of conduct in banking and related financial sector has its provincial offices in rest of provinces including country's capital.

He said that Ghizer has been a land of martyrs and defended it from every kind of invasions. He criticized certain elements involved in recent incidents in which people from two groups came face to face. He ruled-out any possibility of sectarian rift saying the two communities have been living for centuries without any dispute over faith related issues. "People of Ghizer would avert evil designs hatching by hidden hands to ensure co-existence."