An engineering student of UET from GB commits suicide
Bureau Report
Voice of Hunza
LAHORE, October 14: A boy of around 23 hailing from Haramosh,

Gilgit-Baltistan committed suicide mysteriously in UET boys hostel in Lahore. Sifawat Ghayoor, 23 years old and student of second year Mechanical engineering department of University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore committed suicide on Tuesday afternoon. According to the hostel administration and his fellows, he took his lunch from the hostel mess and then went to his room for rest.
His roommates, later on found the room locked from inside. Over no response against knocking of the door broken the lock to enter the room Where they found his dead body hanging from the ceiling fan. A paper note was found near his body establishing financial constraints being the major cause of his death. Nevertheless, his family members said to a feudal one denied as such
Crackdown for arrest on Amhari exlosive plot continue, six arrestedSpecial ReportVoice of Hunza
GILGIT, October 14: Gilgit city police have arrested six people as suspects and link with the plot to hit Chief minister yesterday evening. According to the police sources, police arrested suspects from locality having possible link with the culprits who left an explosive fitted into a pressure cooker along the way of Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan on Tuesday mourning. The explosive matter, as local bomb disposal unit says, was a C4 structured with ten kilogram explosive, a new kind ever used in such incidents.
Media sources confirmed that Chief Minister Syed Mehdi Shah was supposed to pay a visit to affectees of recent flood in Basin and outskirts. Following this plot, security and law enforcement agencies were kept red alert. Police and Norther Areas Force officials met Chief minister on Wednesday to chalk out strategic security plan for future.