Bureau Report
Talking to Voice of Hunza, Mrs. Malika claimed that multitude of pledges were made at the time of her son's funeral process which later proved mere slogans. "Since the death of part of my heart, not a single official of either disaster and relief mandatory organization in private and public sector visited her family," she maintained. She further said that local authorities had registered her family as affected one saying nothing still was provided that were and are being given to disaster hit families. PML (N) Chief Mr. Nawaz Sharif during his last visit had declared PKR 500,000 per decease has still not paid to the family, VoH learnt.
After the death of her son, mrs. Malika in order to continue legacy of humanitarian work by the family, she has devoted her life for service of humanity and offering her services at district Head Quarter Hospital, Aliabad, Hunza. Courtesy: GB Echo
VoH Report

As earlier mentioned to our readers, open ditches and stony dillapidating road along KKH is becoming higly risky right from Thakot to blockade area that claimed dozens of precious lives during this disasterous year. At some places the dual traffic tracks at u-turn rounds continuously endangering commuters' lives, VoH learnt. Interestingly, despite of dozen of road accidentsniether National High Way Authotiry of Pakistan nor that of Chinese Bridge and Road Construction (CBRC) firm taken any affect and persist slow pace of contruction project which the locals in the wake of floods and land sliding fear to be completed hardly in next four or five years, compartively 3 years lately as was declared at the time of begning.
Voice of Hunza
HUNZA: Top-From left to right: traditionally decorated community halls ; bottom- left to right: Ismaili Band Hyderabad paying visit to Chumerkhand locality to express unity along notables, Right Bottom: a beautiful scene of illumination work on a community hall on October 23 evening. Photo by: Shams
Voice of Hunza team conveys its heartiest warm wishes to readers anywhere read this blog and have faith on all of us.
VoH Report
Skrimishes between the IDPs and some of the labours from another area throughout the day leading to protest of former at spill way. On nul response from the local authorities against those involved in an incident in which at least three persons recieved injuries during the shifting of relief aid right fron Gojal district in Up stream. Later, IDPs managed to burn tires and protest to in front of Aliabad police station in the evening take legal actions against labourers involved.