Public circles demand reduction in public transport fares; black marketing of petroleum products continue
Special Report
HUNZA-NAGAR, October 20:

Public circles have expressed their severe resentment over the negligance of local government authorities towards the public transport fares being charged by transporters on different routes withing and to outside of district. According to the information filtered from some of the sources, transporters had raised the inter and out side district travel charges by 50 percent in the end of September on pretext of shortage of petroleum products. Meanwhile, a notification was issued from Central Hunza tehsil office, bounding transporters on the prevous rates proved a house of straws. Still the same fares were charged and authorities were dubm towards the miseries of common man.
On the other hand, according to some reliable sources, an artificial shortage of petroleum products has been created by the pump owners in Hunza-Nagar district, harnessed the black marketing in the district. Social circles were also showing their dissatisfaction over the local government's performance to curb anti social moves on part of pump owners as the same products are easily available in Gilgit city.
Hunzo-Qaumi Maraka endorses resolution for withdrawal of treason charges
VoH Report
By: Engineer Amanullah Khan
HUNZA, October 15: Hunza Qaumi Maraka, a local progressicve forum has endorsed their resolution condeming treason charges in the wake of

protest against government's ineffective role. According to the media cell of HQM, the resolution has been formaly endored to the district authorities. Hunza Qaumi Maraka(HQM) reportedly had staged varoius protest demostrations across Hunza to mount pressure on current regime to ensure proper rehibilitaion process to Attaabad and Gojal affectees, immediate payment of compensation for expansion of Karakorum High Way and work on energy crisis in central Hunza. Sources in HQM told Voice of Hunza that Deputy Commission Hunza-Nagar Zafar Waqar taj has promised to review the charges saying ambiguities exists in the case and assured them to get the charges withdraw if the law of the state permits.
An emergency meeting of Hunzo-e-Qaumi Maraka (HQM), a Brusho term means "forum for poeple of Hunza" held on October 15 presided by Ikramullah Baig resulted into a resolution demanding withdrawal of treason charges on protestors during the prime minister's visit to Hunza region.
The resolution slams regional government for misusing power and demands of withdrawal of the treason charges. " People of Hunza has had rendered inumerable secrifices for country, at different fronts in hard times who are being neglected in every sphere without any reason", the resolution highlighted.The resolution further maintains that protest against odds was a constitutional right of every citizen of the country, demanding Speeaker Cum interim Governor Gilgit Baltistan Wazir Baig to respect the will of the inhibitants and avoid taking dictation of Islamabad only.
Shams bhai, please keep updating. It takes long to get updated. Please yaar!