Elections arena: PPP Six and JUI gets two seats;
Rulling party beggs twenty seats out of thirty two for GBLA
VoH Monitor
GILGIT, Dec. 10:
(Shamsuddin Muhammad) According to the media reports, Pakistan Peoples Party has got six and Jamiat-e-Ulemai Islam (F) two respectively on technocrat and woman seats. According to details, the elections for technocrat and Woman seats were held under supevision of Haleem Nawaz, Cheif election Commission Gilgit-Baltistan on Tuesday for Legislative Assembly. According to report, Sadia Danish, Shireen Fatima, Yasmin Nazar and Gul Meera and Jamil Ahmed and Mutabiat Shah has declared successful from Pakistan Peoples Party. Similarly,
Moulana Sarwar Shah and Mehnza Wali of Jamiat-e-Ulmai Islam has been declared sucessful in poles. With the completion of these poles on 32 seats, PPP has emerged as the largest party with twenty seats and JUI has begged four thus become the second largest party . While the re-elections for GBLA-17 has been scheduled on 22nd December in Ghizar district.
Rulling party is deceiving people of Gilgit-Baltistan; failed to deliver promises during last more than two years; PPP should implement reform package completely to ensure regional autonomy: Dr. RellayVoH Watch GILGIT, Dec. 09: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Dr. Muzafar Rellay, former memeber Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly and leader of Pakistan Muslim League (N) has said that the rulling party is deceiving people of the region. He said this while talking a regional Urdu newspaper. He alleged that rulling party has failed to keep its promises that has made with the masses during the elections as the people are not getting what they had expected. He claimed that the rulling party is mere destined to make promises during its tenure. He called on Central leadership of the Pakistan Peoples Party to be sincere to implement the self governance reform package to ensure regional autonomy to an extent. Daily K2 (Urdu)
List of candidates finalized for technocrat and woman seats; PPP being largest party to get four woman and two technocrat seats in house
VoH Watch
HUNZA, Dec.7: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) According to the media sources, all political parties including Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Pakistan Muslim League (N), Pakistan Muslim League (Q),Muttahida Qaumi Movement, Jamiat-e-Ulemai Islam (F) have filed the finalized list of their respective nominated candidates.
According to sources Pakistan Peoples Party( PPP) being the largest emerging party will get four woman and two technocrat seats against party position. From Pakistan Peoples Party, Jamil Ahmed and Professor Saleem Ahmed for technocrat, Sadia Danish from Gilgit, Gul Meera from Diamer, Yasmine from Ghizar, Sheerine Fatima from Baltistan; Atiqa Ghazanfar, Hafizur Rehman and Mehnaz Wali from Pakistan Muslim League (N); Amina Ansari and Aslam Adovcate from Pakistan Muslim League (Q); Moulana Sarwar Shah from Jamiat-e-Ulemai Islam (F) are among the finalized in the list of respective nominations.Nevertheless, updates are still unavailable about the nominations from Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan (MQM).
Participants walk out of meeting; Next time any meeting will be convened by the formal invitation of DC: Notables
VoH Report
HUNZA, Dec. 06: (Naeem Khan) Notables of Hunza, who were called by Assistan Commissioner, Hunza was mismanaged. According to the details, engineer Zamir Abas, Assistant Commissioner, Hunza called notables of Hunza to discuss pure drinking water facility facility for Central Hunza, here on Saturday. Nevertheless, despite waiting for more than two hours Assistant Commissioner could not managed to attend the meeting. Consequently, the notables walked out of meeting saying any meeting will be attended only if Deputy Commissioner convenes any meeting through a formal letter.
Eid Ghadeer was celebrated with religious fervor; extremely cold weather did not allow illuminations on hills
VOH Report
HUNZA, Dec.06:(Shamsuddin Muhammad) Like other parts of Gilgit-Baltistan, Eid Ghadeer was celebrated with religious fervor by all sects of Shiat faith in Hunza, Nagar and outskirts. Special programmes were aranged to mark the day of Imamat, a Shia doctrone that holds that Hazrat Muhammad, (Peace be upon him) appointed Hazrat Ali (A.S) at 'Ghadir Khumm' to tackle religious matters and lead the Muslim umma.
Eid-e-Ghadir is one of the most important days of delight for Shia Muslims around the world as that was the day our beloved Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) declared Hazrat Ali's vicegerency at Ghadir e Khumm on his return from his last pilgrimage which is known in history as ‘Hajjat-ul-Wida'. This took place on the 18th of Zil-Hajj, in 632 AC, 3 months before his demise, when the Prophet and his followers were returning from his last pilgrimage. Prophet Muhammad announced that he had received an important revelation from Allah, and made a halt at the pond called Ghadir Khumm. A make-shift dias was erected from sadles, sticks and camel skins and as soon as all the pilgrims were gathered, he acted upon the revelation of Ayah-e Gadhir Khumm. Translation: "O Messenger (Prophet), deliver to the people what has been revealed to you from your Lord and if you do not do so then you will not have delivered His message and Allah will protect you from the people. For God does not guide those who reject Faith." Quran 5:67The Prophet then declared loudly " Man Kuntu Mowlahu fa haza Aliyun Mowlahu' - 'He of whomever I am the Master-Lord (Mowla), Ali is his Master-Lord (Mowla). Thus, people now take promise to follow the legacy left by Hazrat Ali during their lives.
Deadlock persists on nominations for technocrat and woman seats for GBLA;
No role of independant candidates in process; names of two journalists under consideration for technocrat seat
VoH Report
GILGIT, Dec. 06: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) According to a reliable source the deadlock persists on nomination for technocrat and woman seats for Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly. Pakistan People's party (PPP) which has been emerged as the largest party in recent elections for the house is still in perplexity. The nominations of some people have been rejected on account of either lack of qualification or expertise. Consequently, the matter has been transferred to the consent of central party leadership. The name of two journalists one from Skardu and another from Hunza are under consideration and expected to be announce as successful candidates. On the other hand no independant candidates will play any role for the Gilgit-Baltistan Self Governance Order, 2009 provides that a candidate is subjected to join a registered/ mainstream party three days earlier the notification by the competent authority.
An unknown suicide Bomber named as" from Gilgit BAltistan"
VoH Watch dog
ISLAMABAD, Dec. 06: According to a reliable regional online portal, Federal Capital Police releasing the sketch of suspected suicide attacker on Naval Complex.
According to the press press release, the attacker could not speak Urdu and resembles to inhibitants of Gilgit-Baltistan. Hunza Times
Ready to cooperate with any party for public interest; committed to support a party that work for communal harmony and ensure justice; development in telecome, education and health sector among top priority : Syed Raziuddinuddin Razvi
VoH Watch
GILGIT, Dec. 06: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Syed Raziuddinuddin Razvi, Elected candidate for Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly has said that he is ready to cooperate with any party for public interest and committed to support a party that work for communal harmony and ensure justice. Talking to media persons he said that he will support a party which work for the walfare of the people. He said that he will concentrate on development of telecome, education and health sector as top priority
Violation of party discipline, membership of Muhammad Shifa and Muhammad Tariq of PPP Central Executive Committee cancelled
Voice of Hunza
GILGIT, Dec. 05: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Membership of two members Muhammad Shifa and Muhammad Tariq of Central Executive Committee of Pakistan Peoples Party has been cancelled on charges of violation of party discipline. Similarly, Kalb Ali, the president of Pakistan Peoples Party, Hunza-Nagar chapter has been expelled for the same reason. This was announced by the Provincial President Syed Mehdi Shah in his speech at Peoples' Secrateriate during an anniversary of the party here in Gilgit.
0.072m children received polio drops in Baltistan
Three days drive ended with acheivement of target
VoH Report
SKARDU, Dec. 04: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Health department under its three-day drive managed to reach 0.072 million children. According to Health department sources, about seventy two thousand children received polio drops and Vitamin A in the district of Ghanche and Skardu. 54,000 children were given polio drops with the help of 220 mobile teams under seventeen zonal supervisors, five tehsil and seventeen field assistants in Skardu region.
Abdul Hamid Khan joins PPP
VoH Report
ASTORE, Dec. 04: (Pervez Amin) Abdul Hamid Khan,a successful independant candidate from constituency number one of GBLA-13, Astore has formally annouced to join Pakistan Peoples Party. This was announced by Chaudhary Manzoor Ahmed, incharge PPP cell Gilgit-Baltistan during a press conference. He also said that having dozen of seats, the party wants to form coalition government for larger interest.
Prices of petrolium products increased by 3%; OGRA increases prices fourth time during a year; gift to the people following Eid celebrations
VoH Report
ISLAMABAD, Nov.02:(Shamsuddin Muhammad) Oil and Gas Regularity authority with approval of proposal has increased the prices of petroleum products in effect from Dec.01 onwards. 
OGRA was given authority to review the prices of petroleum products that brought its impacts with in couple of days in term of increase in prices.
From 1981 to 2009 about 2,500,000 (2.5 million) people died of HIV-Aids claims international reports
VoH Report
HUNZA, Dec. 02: (Shamsuddin Muhammad)Like the other parts of the world, HIV-Aids prevention day is celebrated in the region. Concerned departments are expected to hold special programmes if the climate allows to mark the day . According to international reports about 2.5 million people have died of HIV-Aids virus.
Govt should bestow a techocrat seat for Diamer: Noor Muhammad
VoH Monitor
CHILAS, Nov.Dec.01: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Noor Muhammad, ex-president Peoples Youth Organization has called upon central party leadership to ensure representation of Diamer on technocrat seat in Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly. In a press statemen he said that a techocrat seat will give feeling of balanced strategy of party. "The failure of party candidates in constituency will create problems in addressing their issues in the Assembly.
Nazir Sabir recieves green singnal for the Governorship; Wazir to Speaker of assembly, decision following the Eid celebrations
VoH Monitor
HUNZA, Dec. 01: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Nazir Sabir, a renown climber and former member of Legislative Council has received a green signal for the position of newly elected assembly under the Self Governance Reform Package by the PPP led government with some major changes in the existing assembly.
The sources, told VoH that Nazir Sabir will be appointed as governor and Wazir Speaker of house to pacify the demands of the people of the region. Yet, the situaion is expected to be clear with in couple of days ahead.
Victory is certain if govt abstain intervention; demand of rights of people the sole agenda says Nawaz Khan Naji
VoH Report
GHIZAR, Dec. 01: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Traitors are the master of the assembly and it is necessary to hinder their way. These views have been expressed by Nawaz Khan Naji, Chairman Balawaristan National Front, popular nationalist leader and candidate from the constituency number one of LA-19, Ghizar district in a press statement.
He claimed that the new self governance package was a presidential order and will hardly benefit masses except those have influence adding his party will make efforts to convert it into an interim constitutional order supported with a Kashmir like set up with proper institutions coupled with complete regional autonomy. Regarding his position in the poles, he said that he has lead on others for the youth and well aware masses are running his election compaigns.
Black marketing and smuggling of flour on rise in Hunza; special electric facility against the interest of masses: Ejaz Ali Khan
VoH Report
HUNZA, Dec. 01: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Ejaz Ali Khan, president People's Youth Organization Hunza-Nagar chapter has said that black marketing and smuggling of flour is on rise and special electric connections are against the interest of masses of Hunza. He stated this while talking to Voice of Hunza. He said that PYO is planning raids to hider this practice. " People, who hardly gets a bag of flour in a month will destined to starve due to such practices of smuggling are not hindered," he added. He demanded the local administration to intervene the situation to save the masses from the evils of devils.
Poles for constituency one of GBLA-19 on Deceber 22; election was postponed due to sudden demise of the MQM candidate
VoH Monitor
GHIZAR, Dec. 01: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Election Commission Gilgit-Baltistan has annouced the schedule of poles for the constituency one of LA-19 on December 22, 2009. The poles will be reconducted on account of sudden demise of Sher Bahadur, ticket holder of Muttahida Qaumi Movement ahead of couple of days in the Ghizar district.