Voice of Hunza
Interviewed by; Shamsuddin Muhammad
Mr.Rai Rehmatullah Khan, ticket holder of Pakistan Muslim League (Q) is contesting election for LA-6 from Hunza. His compaigns have reached to climax ahead poles. He is popular for charitable work and literary services in society. We arranged a special interview to get our valuable readers know about his ojectives and plans after winning elections which is published with out any amendment. 
VoH : We would like to know about your child hood and professional career?
Rai Rehmatullah: I passed my secondary school examination from Sindh Madrasatul Islam and Higher Sec. School examination from Sindh Muslim College, Karachi in 1950 and 1952 repectively. I entered into practical serivice when I jioned John Bhai Maternity home, Karachi, then a subsidary of Aga Khan Health Board as manager in 1954 that last to 1960. I served as office secretary of Ismaili Council, simultanously. It was 1960 when I recieved best performance award on behalf of Aga Khan Health board by the hand of His Highness price Karim Aga Khan fouth.Later, I entered social work at many fronts when came back to Hunza in 1968. I served many Community based institutions like Ismaili Council for Karimabad ,chairman Aga Khan regional board and president village council, Karimabad (a body constituted by former President Pervez Musharraf. I am currently serving as president Karimabad Village Organization (KVO), a subsidary of Aga Khan Rural Support Programme.In the view of diversify services, His Highnes confered me title of Rai which is a great honour for me and my family.The youth forced me to enter the politics despite my unwillingness to bring a visible change in area.
VoH: Currently, due to unmployment, youth may enter anti social activities which in turn may create problems in society. What would be your stretegy in this regard?
Rai Rehmatullah: See, I know that educated youth have very little career opportunities in the region. I shall device a comprehensive plan to adjust them by increasing quota in all feilds of life.
VoH: What will be your stance if the federal government refuse demand for additional seat? Rai Rehmatullah: I hope that the PML(Q) leadership has an influence in both houses of the country, I shall request my party leadership to take up the matter in the house.
VoH: Pakistan earns a considerable income from border trade activities through Sost Dry Port. Yet there is not any special fund to be used for the walfare of the local community. How do you think can make it possible to be happened?
Rai Rehmatullah: Soon after winning the elections, I shall take up the matter in the vary first session of Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assambly to propose a specific fund to utilize for the prosperity of the local community.
VoH: People of Hunza faces an acute shortage of power and load shedings have been routine of the day. Earlier, we had electricity on alternate days now it has bocome worse. What will be your approach to solve the issue on long run basis?
Rai Rehmatullah: Well, we all are getting disturb from this problem. I shll propose to construct a new hyderal power projectin Ultar, Karimabad to facilitate central Hunza while another new hyderal project at Mayone for lower Hunza is indespensible. I hope these both projects will help Hunza to overcome the issue.
VoH: Thank you for sharing some moments out of your busy schedule
Rai Rehmatullah: It's always my pleasure!