On the other hand, due of little political awareness, the people are more or less confined to in house and drawing room politics-that is to criticize others instead of discussing problems before their respective representatives and give constructive suggestions for immediate resolution. One of the main feature of the domestics population is that of emotional intensity; people get excited by speeches of rhetorical speakers having little logical grounds. As a result, dexterous politicians lose no opportunity to exploit public sentiments on pretty issues with short term benefits for the region. The biggest dilemma in such a situation is our proud for being one of area with highest literacy rate; we are divided linguistically and religiously. In real we are unable to beg our rights in democratic and collective manner. It is the time to get alert of coming challenges of even more intensity. Lets shun the differences and bring harmony, acceptance and tolerance for the larger interest of region.
Voice of Hunza

Nevertheless, on account of environmental changes:bad climatic conditions,minimum production yield, little access to commercial markets and improper infrastructure give little reward of farmers to their agri efforts. Similarly, another major part of population is relying on casual earnings which is already in hot waters due to slow pace of recovery of economic meltdown. On the other hand, tourism and business activities could not gain momentum as was expected. In such a scenario, the increase in prices have increased economic burden on common man's budget, already affected by decreasing purchasing power. Following in increase in petroleum products, indirectly. According to statistics, prices of cooking oil, pulses, chicken and even fruits have been increased approximately by six percent during last half year without any increase in the incomes of individuals. Consequently, even purchase of fruits is becoming a dream for common man. We would like to urge government to device a strategy to ensure reasonable prices of necessities through constant monitoring in reduce economic pressure on poor.