It also emerged that Cameron directly raised the cases of recent individual human right abuses in a private conversation with the Chinese premier at a banquet last night. Downing Street declined to go into the details of the conversations, but sources said the case of Nobel prizewinner Liu Xiaobo was raised with Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier. There is no means of knowing how strenuously or lengthily he raised the issues, and Cameron refused to call for the writer's release in public. His language on human rights was arguably less strong than that deployed yesterday by Barack Obama in Indonesia, but British diplomats argue a head-on confrontation will reduce the UK's influence, and it is better to open up a strategic dialogue with the Chinese on human rights.
Officials seem to believe that economic prosperity and the spread of the internet, including blogs, will do more to liberalise the country than public lectures by British leaders. Cameron is also trying to strike a delicate balance between the trade mission aspect of his trip and the need to set out British support for the universal values of human rights. In his speech to Beijing University – the only public speech of his two-day visit – he said Chinese responsibilities included playing by the "rules and norms" that govern the international financial system.China had attempted to avoid entanglement in global affairs in the past, but its size and global reach meant this was no longer a realistic choice. China was too big and too important not to play its part in delivering aid to Africa, policing the world's shipping lanes and leading the drive for green technologies, he said. He said China would not need to contribute as much as others on a climate change agreement, but it had to be involved in such a deal.
He also urged China not just to see Africa solely as a source of raw materials, but to work with other countries to ensure money spent there was not supporting corrupt and intolerant regimes.
He said: "As China's star rises again in the world, so does its stake in a stable and ordered world in which trade flows freely. "China is the world's second biggest importer of oil, and Sudan is one of your most important suppliers. So China has a direct national interest in working for stability in Sudan."Whether it's nuclear proliferation, a global economic crisis or the rise of international terrorism, today's threats to our security do not respect geographical boundaries.
"We have been working with China in the UN Security Council to keep up the pressure on Iran and China's continuing role here is vital if we are to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon."In your own region, I believe China can work with us to improve the situation for the Burmese people. China is one of the few countries that Burma will listen to on this point.
Courtesy: Gaurdian, UK