HUNZA, Garelt,December 2: A comprehensive contingent

deply contingents at various points. It was decided that public transport and heavy vehicles using Karakorum High Way would be divert from Dordkhand towards Karimabad via Hyderabad while entrance to Ganish vally would be closed at Mominabad besides check at Ganish bridge. Police officials agreed to request National High Way authority to fill the ditches and intersections ahead of ashora to reduce dust for pedestrians.
Followers of Shiat school of thought in Islam commomerte the great sacrifice of Hussain Ibn-e-Ali, the grandson of Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and younger son of Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib who laid his life to save value of Islam endangered by Yazid, the then tyrrant Khalifa of Muslim community.
Hunza-Nagar, December 2: The demand for for wool made sweaters and over coats increased with the mercury fell during night in the district. Water freez has burst taps creating water shortage problems in many localities. With the commencement of month of December, the tradition of 'Nasalo' a tradition among mountain communities of presevation of meat from animals has badly affected due to rise in inflation and lowering income level.

Anxiety among some people especially the astrologist of a possible chilling weather due to water blockade at Attaabad proved wrong as the consecutive sunny days made the day time hotter than before deuring winter.
Voice of Hunza

Great, shams bhai, U R Doing greatly.
Am daily visitor of the blog, inspired to read many developments in this small area. Hunza has been our favorite spot. We like its peaceful environment & friendly people. Cultural events rare to read.
Nice edition: please keep visited and
Nagar GrafiX
Hunza has been our favorite spot. We like its peaceful environment & friendly people. Cultural events rare to read.