Conspiracies to sell relief goods by regional administrations to be unfolded; current regime practicing poor eliminating tricks: Baba Jan
VoH Report
HUNZA, Aliabad, September 11:

Conspiracies to sell relief items specially that of petroleum products provided by Chinese government to be unfolded and in case of use of state authority to suppress public will, the masses would settle the account with rulling government to the hallow promises that PPP led regime has been making with the people of the region. These view were expressed by Chief Organizer, Progressive Youth Front, Hunza-Nagar chapter in a press statement. Talking to the media persons, Mr. Baba Jan alleged Chief Minister Syed Mehdi Shah, Chief Secretary Babar Yaqoob Fatah Muhammad, Speaker Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly (GBLA) and finance Minister Muhammad Ali Akhtar for waving conspiracies to get their own benefits from a disaster hit communities of Gojal, Upper Hunza.
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Defence day Tournament-Karimabad club wins shooting match; Al-Hayat out manured Aliabad eleven in second set;Aliabad-A won from Al-Murtaza club, Manzoor Eleven Red Ganish defeats from Nasirabad in smash
Bureau Report
HUNZA, Karimabad, September 12: On the fifth day of Defense day Tournament,four matches were played in in the after noon.The first sesh volleyball match was played between Aliabad Super Star and Al-Murtaza club, Murtaza abad in which, Aliabad, Super Star won the first smesh match from Al-Mutaza club after an exciting match by 3-5. Second smash was match between Nasirabad adn Ganish Mazoor eleven red. Manzoor eleven red won the match in best of three game. While the last match was played between Karimabad and Hasanabad and this game was won by Karimabad eleven in best of five series.
Intensive continual sub-terrain sounds create panic among residents of ShishkatVoH ReportSHISHKAT, September 11: The constant observation of continual intensive sub-terrain sounds in Shishkat village and outskirts has served to create panic among the residents. According to the local population, heavy underground sounds were being heard during midnight, leaving people in fear and uncertainty. Afiat Khan, a resident of Upper-Shishkat (locally called Dal-Dus) while talking to Voice of Hunza said that the locals especially woman and children were largely affected psychologically. " Some times intensity to sounds make the people to get out of their houses to escape any possible danger," he added.
SHISHKAT, GOJAL, Upper Hunza: Around 71% of the total settlement of Shishkat Gojal, has been submerged in dammed Hunza river. Constant subtranean sounds irks people and served to infuse psychological naunces among the residents. Image by: ShamsThis strtegically important village, which has been known for cash crops especially patatoe producation has lost around 71 percent of its total cultivated land along with thousands of fruit producing trees is now on war with unseen natural forces .
While, despite of apprehensions, neither local governments nor Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) took the matter seriously leaving people in bewilderment. When contacted local authorities to ask whether possible arrangements were made by taking disaster prevention measures to avert any untoward situation in case of a mishap, the answer was in negative saying there is no recommendation from any geological or secimic expert to declare emergency. A public servant on condition of anonymity told VoH that local government is taking little interest to give any substaintial relief including evacuation of population from settlement in question before some thing not happened on pretext of its focus on renovation of infrastructure destroyed by torrential rains last month.
Region divides over Eid celebrations, Shia community announces Eid on Friday; Security beefed up in Gilgit , Skardu city
VoH Report
eptember 10: Like the rest of the country, Gilgit-Baltistan region too experiencing division on the question of Eid. According to available information, Agh Rahat-ul-Husseini, Imam-e-Juma, Shia Muslims declared on Thursday night lately that after acquiring numerous moon sighting evidences, after a detailed meeting, Eid would be observed on Friday,September 10, 2010. Similarly, religious authorities in Baltistan too announced Eid as par in Gilgit and outskirts.
Followers of the faith offered Eid prayers amidst tight security arrangements as law enforcement agencies took control of prayer halls and Eidgahs from early morning in Gilgit, Skardu and Ghanche and allowed participants only after passing through explusive detecting devices installed at different entry points. On the other hand, other reliegious authorities of Islam like Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jamat, Tangeem-E-ahle Sunnat and rest of communities have announced the Eid would be celebrated on Saturday, Septeber 11, 2010. The whole Nagar too celebrated Eid on Friday while most of the region in Hunza which comprises Ismaili community in majority observed Eid on Saturday because uncertainity and late annoucement regarding sighting of the moon which left people in bewilderment.
Four died in heavy land slide in Ghanche
VoH Report
GHANCHE, September 08: At least four people have been reported dead while dozens critically injured following a heavy land slide Barah village of the Ghanche district on Tuesday after noon. According to a regional daily news paper, land slide buried more than four residential houses and cattle huts and distroyed a large portion of the settlement. Official sources confirmed four deaths including a child and woman. Land sliding during current year has swallowed hundreds of lives in Gilgit-Baltistan.
'Defence day' all Hunza velly ball tournament takes excited but steady start
Bureau Report
HUNZA, Karimabad, September 8:
All Hunza velley ball Shooting and Smesh tournament to mark the nation's defence day celebrations. According to the details, Karimabad Culture and Sports Club (KCSC) which has was established recently to support and arrange recreational activities among the your of the region. KCSC in collaboration with Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board Hunza is sponsoring the tournament to engage your in healthy activities. Arrangments have been to made to facilitate both kind of matches simultaneously.According to the organizers of the tournament,more than fifteen teems have applied for registration in the afternoon velly ball matches would continue for a week. Semi-final and final matches are expected to be played on September 12 and 13 respectively.
Today, two matches were played.......Read full story on:
Readers TimeParticipants if one day media advocacy work shop vow to initiate comprehensive collaborative efforts to eradicate TB; 42 new cases identified during first
two quarters in Hunza-Nagar
VoH, RDs' Time Report
HUNZA, Karimabad, September 08: Collaborative conscious, integrated and comprehensive efforts are need of the hour to eradicate Tiber Closis, a silent killer in the region; Victims do not disclose the symptoms for Tuber Closis (T.B) is a fast spreading fatal disease and is usually considered as a mean and abominable disease in the society.
HUNZA: Partcipants of the Media Advocacy session for TB control under Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) exchanging their ideas regarding new approach. VoH Photo
These views were expressed by participants during a one day media advocacy session by T.B control unit under the banner of Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) programme in collaboration with Aga Khan Health Services Pakistan and few foreign NGOs here at a local hotel in Karimabad, Hunza on Wednesday. T.B control unit sought suggestions regarding new approaches, from media circles to implement initiative efficiently and effectively with in given periphery. Fida Nagri,social mobilizer T.B control unit shed light on efforts being done to keep the menace under control.
Presenting his views, since last four years of its creation.Mr. Iftikhar Hussain said that those affected by this disease hardly disclose as it has had considered as abominable fatal disease. He emphasized to create more awareness through involving elders, scholars, writers, poets and other active civil society members to educate general masses about the causes, affects and cure to disease. For more, please log on: