The outflow via spill way and seepage from different points from the around 385 feet high and 22 kilometer long accidentally formed lake at Attaabad has exceeded inflow a day earlier causing to raise water level and creating a new threat of submerging of low level Upstream areas along Upper Ayeenabad, Shishkat, Gulmit and Husani settlements.

The rapid and haphazard erosion on the spill has surfaced heavy bolders with gorges among them served gradually to allow more water to pass over and ease pressure on West end facades. Despite of appearance of heavy bolders under the outpouring water, there is very least chance of sudden reliease of water by the next month when the inflow in the barrier would exceed outflow due to meling of glaciers in Gojal, Upper Hunza. Though, local governments of Hunza-Nagar, Gilgit, Diamer in collaboration with other some of Non Governmental Organizations like FOCUS, Red-Cross and Behria Town was trying to give possible relief to affectees from available funds provided by fedral and regional government, there are many among affectees who express concerns on the mechanism of recieving and distribtution to the target population. According to majority of affectees a portion of relief goods have had disappeared in Gilgit jurisdiction by a mafia linked with the political and civil bureaucracy. Such a case which could not come on surface and burried under the soil was disapearance of more than half of the relief goods announced by various parties like that of PML(N)'s five trucks from which mere two trucks reched to their destinations while rest have been unloaded at unknown place. Similar was with the relief from Behria Town management that reached with half loaded trucks. On inquiry from a driver, it was disclosed that some portion of goods have been unloaded at in the way, near Gilgit. There are some couragous news that Behria Town was planning to provide edibles to affectees for next three months would help the Upstream population a lot to cater needs of the families in trouble.
Nevertheless, amidst concerns over mismanagement on part of administration and apathetic political role, irregularities in the recieving and issuing tendencies, a development occured a few days back when Caritas Pakistan, a humanitarian assistance organization expressing its dissatisfaction over distribution of relief packages to affectees sought permission from authorities directly like that of FOCUS and Red-Cross followed by a thorough need assessment plan. Federal government has pledged to help ensure rehibilitation of disaster hit people with 365 million rupee in 2010-11 fiscal year. The influx of relief items to affectees was a test of capability of local administration to ensure provision to the deserved ones.
We hope, that local administration through proper coordination with military and NGOs would plce a check on illegal movement of relief items and leave no corner to ensure proper distribution of relief goods accordint to the respective needs of affectees. We may hope that local governments would keep their ears and eyes open to halt any activity that may harm the interest of affectees to reduce the possiblities of occurance of irregularities and illegal movement during logistics from down cities to wear houses in the region.
Dear editor, I am daily visitor of your well built designed equiped with good, simple and concrete content. I rely on the news posted on because I personally observed it realist one. I read you alternatively with another very informative blog Pamir Times to get insight form minor to major issues of your region. Yet, Voice of Hunza blog takes some times two or three days interval for the updates. The quality of pictures posted are not upto the standard so you need better photography.Try to update daily. We people want read updates on and so your analysis.
Government hesitant to give relief to all affectees of Gojal. The population of Gojal is not happy with what she delivering. it exaggerate in reports to center.We need not relief but opportunities too equally.
I least agree to Sultan Karim bhai who blames
government for ineffective role. I think government of
Pakistan is providing all assistance according to
capacity and need. Disaster is also a test of our
patience. We should show courage to any such thing with
brave heart.
Every one owes their own interests. Notion that govt do what it gets from the areas in question is absurd one. As parasite featured government officials argues of doing more than expected not justified. Govt of Pakistan had been earning billions of dollars from trade and tourism from this region and if it is doing bit to pay that obligation what ails them!
Disasters come to test human intellect. There lies a lesson in every tragedy: do accept man's wit has limit. He should not outlaw human capacity to predict and react calamities based on sophisticated equipments which in turn beg human mind. We should beg forgiveness for all odds we did in past.