Out flow exceeds inflow in the Attaabad land slide spawned lake; increase in water discharge and erosion expends passage through spill-way gradually
VoH Report HUNZA, Attabad, June 08: The out flow from the barrier has increased to 4550 cusec against 4510 cusec. According to the Gilgit Power and Water Department (GBPWD), and NESPAK,NDMA as well as fOCUS Humanitarian Assistance Pakistan, the outflow has exceeded inflow flow by around 40 cusecs, cuasing to lower the water level in the barrier. The reading taken on Monday at Ganish focal point inluding other streams of Central Hunza was recorded around 4850, cummulatively.
HUNZA, Attaabad: water is discharging from the lake via spill way is greally increasing due to expansion into passage for last twenty four hours. Image by: FOCUS H.A.PThe weather remaind partially cleared on Monday , mere boat service from Gulmit to Shiskat, Husanni and other affected upstream areas, sources informed in the evening. The increase in water discharge and gradual erosion has expanded water passage on spill-way during last twenty four hours both horizontally and verticall, alowing more water to spill over easily.
Authorities bow before pressure; relief items shifted to Shishkat
VoH Report
HUNZA, June 08: Following the agitation and media coverage resulted to get the authorities ready to shift perishable relief goods to Shishkat, Upper Hunza village that stranded for more than a week on pretext of bad climatic conditions.

Faqeer Khan, contacted VoH on Monday, criticized electronic media for focusing on College ground helipad and neglacting certain other points namely Deedargah helipad, being used for the transfer of relief goods via Army helicopters.

HUNZA, Aliabad: Local volunteers help loading relief items on helicopters . Images by Shamsuddin MuhammadA team of Dawn News, currently monitorring situation actively in the region was requested immediately to cover but failed to reach on the day. Consequently, a team of Geo News, finally managed to reach on Monday, took few shots and within few minutes athorities bowed before pressure and all items were shifted to their destination.
HUNZA: An army helicopter takes off with the relief goods, damped at deedargah for more a week to Shiskat village, Gojal.One thing is apparent in such cases, most of the news channels were prototyped; if one manage to cover other would naturally find its way to that place.
Lack of proper energy distribution machanism or least attention of employees of power supply department to despense their duties?
Voice of Hunza
HUNZA, Aliabad: Authorities of power department never get tired to give directions to use low voltage appliances and savers to reduce pressure on the only power generating house, Hasanabad, Hunza can be applied overwhelmly if the department itself would able to dispense its own responsibilities. A street light is eluminated during the day time in the Aliabad. Image by: Shams
Italian radical party takes Abdul Hameed Khan into its fold
Monitoring Report
ROME, Italy, June

08: According to a media source, the Radical Party in the Italian parliament has given membership to Balawaristan National Front (BNF) Chairman Abdul Hamid Khan in recognition of his services for highlighting the plight of the people of his region at the international level and suffering exile for it.The representation was given to Mr Khan for highlighting the injustices being meted out to the masses of GB, human rights violations, especially eviction of local people from their land and lack of representation to the locals at the annual general meeting of the UNPO.
Recently, Abdul Hamid Khan told the UNPO meeting in Italy that in order to perpetuate its control in the region Pakistan was not only evicting the local people from their land but was also issuing leases of precious mineral resources in the region to Chinese and other companies in complete disregard to the opposition by the residents.He told the participants that this act of Pakistan would not only deprive the locals of their rights on the natural resources but would also pave the way for snatching their political rights of deciding about their future as an independent nation. Weekly Baang-e-sehar, Karachi.
Affectees express serious concerns over damping of perishable items for a week on pretax of bad weather; immediate shift of relief goods demanded
SRT Report
HUNZA, Aliabad, June 7: Affectees of disaster hit village Shishkat of Upper Hunza, Gojal has expressed serious concerns over the damping of perishable relief goods at Aliabad, Helipad.
HUNZA, Aliabad: Relief goods (perishable items) damped at Deedar Gah on pretext of bad climatic condition in the Shiskat village. Images by: Shamsuddin MuhammadAccording to the details, relief goods includeing edible items including vegitables were brought to the Aliabad, Deedargah helipad for distribution to Gulmit, Passu, Sost and Shishkat settlements, respectively.

Yet, the situation become perplexed when Commanding Officer, Warehouse Aliabad, in contrast to the directives of civil administration officials directed junior army personnel, deputed at the spot to send item all destinations except Shishkat on pretext of excessive air pressure in the atmosphere four days earlier. To read full story, please log on:
www.srtimes.blogspot.comEnvironment day celebrations-IDPs of Salmanabad, at inter college Karimabad arrange envrironment protection walk
Bureau Report
Hunza, Karimabad,June 07: World community observed envirnment day on Saturday,fifth June, 2010 with zeal as usual. Internally displaced Persons (IDPs) of Salman abad, who have been accommodated at Girls Inter College, Karimabad, Hunza arranged a special walk to mark the day.
HUNZA, Karimabad, Hyderabad: IDPs of Salmanabad on a walk to mark world environment day. Image by: ShamsStudents, teachers holding playcards marched from the Karimabad, temporary relief camp to Khurukushal, Hyderabad and to Aga Khan Academy, Baltit to give people environment friendly messages. To read in detail, please click on following link: