They have demanded of regional government to take immediate steps to resume boat service in order to reduce burden or pressure on airlift. "Amidst economic disparities and prices hikes, travelers have to face various issues ranging from accommodation to food on the way as nothing is certain," said Aslam of Gulkin.

Shreen Bibi, a dweller of Shishkat also blamed for mal-treatment of personnel deputed for the facilitation of commuters saying

Monitoring Report
It is to remember that due to the narrow water pass at the barrier of the Attabad lake, water outflow is lower than its inflow, due which it is continuously submerging land in the villages of upstream of upper Hunza (Gojal). In order to protest against government inaction people form Gojal had reached to the spillway on June 17 and 18 and started to widening spillway under very dangerous conditions. The work of widening spillway was stopped when high officials of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) assured people that within ten days government will take appropriate measure through a controlled blasting of the boulders in the spillway, since than three days have already passed but no action has been noticed.

On the other side, the representative of Nagar in the GBLA, Muhammad Ali Akhtar, who is the Finance Minister has threatened to breaking the legs of those who will push the idea of widening of the spillway. Same as the Home secretary he declared those who are working on the widening of the spillway ‘traitors of Pakistan’.Muhammed Ali Akhter and Mirza Hussain both hails from Nagar Valley and considering that in case of flooding due to the widening of the spillway it may cause damage to the low lying areas of Nagar Valley have threaten to take stringent action. The words used by Muhammad Ali Akhter ‘traitors of Pakistan’ and words used by home secretary Mr, Lodhi ‘agents of the enemies of Pakistan’ have been highly condemned all over Gilgit-Baltistan and they both have been asked to apologies in public. While, local volunteers have stopped work on Fridary after neotiations and given 10 days dead line for windening of spill way.
VoH Report

The power generation Unit-2, located in the foothills of the Hasanabad along the Hunza river was disassembled ahead of release of water from the Attaabad lake as a disaster prevention measures. On the other hand, due to increase in demand and constant shortfall has resulted into one day loadsheding in Hunza thus affecting the students preparing for degree examinations. Public circles have expressed their concerns over the scheduled load sheding and inefficiencies of concerned authorities who, despite of provision of fuel incapable to chalk out distribution plan. They have demanded of regional government to take the notice of ineffectiveness and lack of will on part of power generation department in the area.
process to deserved ones.
Voice of Hunza

The water inflow in the lake has served to increase water level by 4 inches during last thirty hours, a local source told Voice of Hunza.
VoH Report
VoH Report
VoH Report