Boat Service may prove vulnerable, some boats requires repair, life jackets substandared,leakage of freezing water and blowing of downstreme icy winds added troubles for travellers, female and children still awaiting for arrangements, FWO, NAPWD, FOCUS, Civil and Political administration and local volunteers doing their most to release blocked water
VoH Report
By: Shamsuddin Muhammad
HUNZA, Attaabad, Feb. 17: The boat service that was innaugurated by Syed Mehdi Shah, Chief Minister Gilgit Baltistan and Wazir Baig, Speaker GBLA along home secretary on Sunday is proving troublesome for travellers.
According to details, the boat service started its operations recently has added troubles for the travellers due to leakage of water into substandard boats and life jackets being used as prevention measures. On the other hand, blowing ofdownstreme icy winds have added to the difficulties of the travellers. Children and Femals stranded on both sides of blocked water are still waiting for arrangements to reach their destinations. Regional government and Civil administrtion of Gilgit Baltistan has sought boats with the help of NDMA to facilitate commuters to replace chopper service that already suspended due to bad climatic conditions. According to a FOCUS official, who on the conditions of anynamity said, the boats may prove vulnerable due to little relevance to the ecological circumstances adding special boats are required that could bear winds and have least possiblity of overturning into water while travelling.
FWO workers at work on land slide area: Photo by: Shamsuddin Muhammad
Frontier Work Organization(FWO), Northern Areas Power and Works Department (NAPWD), Focus Humanitarian Organization, Civil and political administration and local volunteer organizations are doing their most to release blocked water and to clear Karakorum High Way, with the available machinery, simultaneously.

NAPWD is busy removing horrible debris from the land slide area, where water blocked at Hunza river: Photo by: Shams
Nevertheless, little arrangements are made for officials and workers working on the side as disaster prevention measures for the sheered rocks on both sides can bring devastation.
Hidayat Ali visits Hunza, applaud youth's role in post disaster relief operations; use of govt machinery against party slammed
VoH Watch
HUNZA, Feb.16: According to media reports,Hidayat Ali, Incharge Muttahida Qaumi Movement Gilgit BAltistan, call by youth at Ganish Hunza, to discuss about the post disaster relief operations in Attabad and other affected areas. He discussed party matters with activist and applauded their role in critical times for affectees.
He slammed use of government machinery against the party. A team of police tear off banners of Muttahid Qaumi Movement and a sign board was taken into custody from Ganish zonal party office.
Boat service replaces chopper service for communters; Local volunteers and scouts joins should to shoulder in relief work; FWO and PWD's workers and official busy to remove debris
VoH Report
By: Shamsuddin Muhammad
HUNZA, Attaaba, Feb.15: Finally, the boat service was replaced by helicopter service to facilitate commuters stranded for more than a week on both ends-at Aliabad and Gulmit valley. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) operated from the day third of calamity and blockade of water on Hunza River and Karakorum High Way (KKH) to shift people from Upper (Gojal) to central Hunza one hand and essentials of life on the other. 
Attaabad, Hunza: Local volunteers taking the boats from trucks to the blocked site to assemble for sail: Photo by: Shamsuddin Muhammad
Taking opportunity of a comfortable service, many indiduals misused the facility by traveling many times without reasons. Consequently, after getting certian proof such tendencies, NDMA imposed strict checking that led to some unpleasant incidents and in response authorities allowed only a single helicopter for airlift operations.
Hunza, Attaabad: Technocrat Muttabiat Shah and Deputy Commissioner Hunza-Nagar Zafar Waqar Taj is supervising the innauguration of boat operations to replace helicopter service to Upper Hunza: Photo by: Shams
Later on, bad climatic conditions caused suspension of helicopter services for more than a week thus strading hundreds of people in Aliabad and GUlmit in a hope to reach their homes, earnestly. NDMA,with the efforts of civil administration and regional government, suceeded to create an alternative in terms of boat service to facilitate shifting of people from both ends.

Hunza, Attaabad: Getting ready to sail on icy water in freezing winters: Photo by: Shams
About ten special boats were sought which reached on Sunday's early morning. Local volunteers, boyscouts, members of civil society, NGOs, Northern Areas Public Works Department and Frontier Works Organiztion joined shoulders to shoulders to make the hard task possible. FWO and PWD officials and workers pawed a jeepable road to western end of artificial lake. Such unprecendented examples are hardly seen when people forget themselves and work for the cause of others. The boats were first taken to bank and droped into lake after being assembled. Chief Minister, Syed Mehdi Shah, Wazir Baig speaker Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly, Home Secretary Usman Yunus, Zafar Waqar Taj, Deputy Commissioner Hunza-Nager, Force Commander and other officials visited the disaster site to innaugurate boat service. Talking to the public Syed Mehdi Shah, Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan said that the negative impact of land slide and water blockade would not only on Hunza but on the whole Gilgit-Baltistan. He placed emphasis on intelligentia and geological experts to share their knowledge to coper the disaster effectively. Wazir Baig, during the occasion claimed that government was doing more than any government in past adding traditional opposition brings nothing but hatred. He called on people to help their brothers to get them out of trouble. He rejected allegations of other parties for being apathetic saying government realizes the problems faced by the affectees of Ayeenabad and Shiskat village and vowed to provide them every possible relief to address their legitimate demands accordint to the situation.
Upper Hunza unclear on situation; notables of Shiskat and Ayeenabad unconcerned to protest; Political and civil administration entact every moment: Aslam Khan
VoH Report
HUNZA, Aliabad, Feb. 14: Aslam Khan, President Coordination Committee for Affectees of Shishkat and Ayeenabad has said that both olitical and civil administration are entact every moment and doing their best to bring the people out of troubles caused by massive landslide disaster. He rejected any agitation against ruling government saying protest was not the solution to issue on such a critical time. " Direct talk and dialogue with the representitives to give suggestons regarding solution was the better startegy," he added. He said that Coordination Committee for Affectees of Shishkat and Ayeenabad did not hail protest adding government was doing more than their expectations.
Hunza-Nagar under severe cold wave; temperature fell minus one, blowing of icy winds halted helicopter sevice to Upper Hunza and added to the difficulties for masses,boat service alternative to airlift about to start
VoH Report
HUNZA, NAGAR, Feb.14:(Shamsuddin Muhammad) Hunza-Nagar like other districts of Gilgit-Baltistan has come under the grip of chilling cold following snow fall for last two weeks paralyzing life of both commercial life and common masses.
According to media reports,valleys of Hunza-Nagar, Gilgit, Ghizer, Diamer, Astore,Skardu and Ghanche district are in severe cold weather after snow fall affecting almost every wake of life in the region. The bad climatic conditions have resulted into suspension of flights between Islamabad to Gilgit and Skardu to Islamabad that created troulbles for travellers on either side. On the other hand, icy cold winds have affected airlift operations in Hunza.Due to suspension of chopper service, hundreds of masses stranded on both sides. Nevertheless, through concrete efforts of regional government, NDMA and civil and political administration, the helicopter service has been replaced with boat service as an alternative to the new challenge.CCAG protest on suspension of chopper service; special air lift for students demanded
VoH Report
HUNZA, Aliabad, Feb. 14: People have supported their representatives to address their issues on appropriate forum not to remain aloof in hard times. These views were stated by speakers during a demonstration organized by Coordination Committee for Affectees of Gojal (CCAG) to protest against the what they said weak performance of public representatives to tackle situation efficiently.
Holding play cards and banners, protesters chanted against the relief package saying a nothing but a trailer and to stop construction of dam on the artificial lake formed after blockade of Hunza River. Gohar Shah, a notable of Upper Hunza in his speech slammed representative government for apathetic role saying it was the time that our representative was supposed to present among us but he is preferring his party matters on pubic ones. Amin Khan, Convener Coordination Committee for Affectees of Gojal while speaking to public gathering said that we have had nourished in a peaceful environment where there was no place for violence.
Mr. Amin applauded civil administration Gilgit-Baltistan for their sincere efforts adding government officials of every concerned department have worked sincerely.He demanded of representativegovernment to speed up the pace of work on release of water, clearance of KKH and arrangements for resumption of helicopter service for students and critical patients from Gulmit to Aliabad on daily basis. He further said that a grand jirga will be constituted on Hunza level headed by Mutabiat Shah to discuss the possible solution of the issue. Abbas Shah and Haider Tai, general secretary Coordination Committee for Affectees of Gojal also spoke to the gathering. PYFH and Sangi Foundation stages press conference against apathetic role of government;blames govt for delaying reclocation
VoH Report
ISLAMABAD, Feb. 12: Progressive Youth Front, Hunza
Chapter and Sangi Foundation, a regional NGO staged a pressconference to highlight the apathetic role played by regional government for immediate rehibilitation and arragments for expected submerging families of Ayeen Abbad, Shishkat and Gulmit village, Gojal or Upper Hunza. According to the press release, the both organizations have demanded of federal government to take concrete steps to get the masses out of trouble.Baba Jan, Chief Organizer, Progressive Youth Front, Hunza Chapter and others demanded of government to speed up pace of work to ensure release of water blocked on Hunza River and clearance of KKH. The speakers blamed public representitives for having no powers to pressurize government for practical steps to save the population in danger.
Dozens of people stranded in Aliabad and Gulmit; local administration is playing due role to cope the new challenge;bad climatic conditions caused chopper operations suspended for a week; temporary accommodation demanded VoH ReportHUNZA, Aliabad,Feb.12: Dozens of people from Ayeenabad, Shishkat, Gulmit, Pussu, Sost, Khudaabad,Chipurson, Raminji and Misgar have been stranded in Aliabad flowing suspension of chopper service due to bad weather condition in Hunza.
Aliabad, Hunza, stranded masses inquiring about the resume of airlift operations : Photo by: Shams People carrying tickets can be observed running across and used to wait for many hours at helipad (airlift camp) at Aliabad and return hopelessly due to suspension of airlift facility. The temperature fell minus one for last two weeks and icy winds were blowing that increased miseries of common man.
Aliabad, Hunza: Deputy Commissioner Hunza-Nagar is talking with people holding air tickets at airlift camp. Photo by: Shamsuddin Muhammad Waqar Taj, Deputy commissioner, Hunza-Nagar and engineer Zameer Abass, Assistant commissioner sub division Hunza is working dedicately to address the challenge rose due to unfavourable climatic conditions who attended their offices even on holiday to ensure maximum relief work operations according the capacity of local administration. On the other hand, public complained for changed attitude of NDMA officials on pretext of bad weather conditions." If a helicopter of AKF can land at Karimabd in such a weather then why not of NDMA? asked Ijlal, Karim a resident of Gulmit stranded for eight days at Aliabad.Some of the people stuck up at Aliabad claimed that they have spent every thing they possessed against accommodations in local hotels and requested authorities to provide a temporary relief. On the other hand, authorities have denied the claim saying that civil administration is provided possible accommodation to such persons. Public circles have demanded of government to provide temporary accommodation to those all who have been stuck up at Aliabad till the resume of chopper and boat service. Govt is playing with the emotions of IDPs; local authorities failed to get attention of federal government to ensure immediate rehabilitation of IDPs
says Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan
VoH Report
ISLAMABAD, February 12: Government is playing with the sentiments of the inter displaced persons
(IDPs) affected by massive land slide on January 04, 2010 that blocked Hunza River and Karakorum High Way.These views were expressed by Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan, former Chief Executive Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly and Prince Sheharyar Khan, who contested last poles on the ticket of Pakistan Muslim League (N) for LA-6 during a meeting with party chief Mian Nawaz Sharif here in Islamabad. Mr. Ghazanfar briefed Nawaz Shari about the prevailing situation in the calamity hit area. He said that regional government is taking the disaster with ease, manipulating the masses by distributing mere floor bags in the name of relief package. He criticized local administration for delaying rehabilitation of Attaabad affectees adding no concrete steps were taken to ensure proper relocation." Attaabad and Sarat valley have been completely destroyed and government should realize the dire situation and take steps to rehabilitation them at its earliest," he added.He said that relief packages were meaningless with out rehabilitation to reduce feeling of deprivation among the masses.HRSO gets new pilot project on food security and sustainability; Canadian donner agency to work on empowerment of agriculture sector, Former Field Schools to be established to educate farmers and enhance yield
VoH Report
HUNZA, Karimabad,Feb.12:Hyderabad Rural Support Organization (HRSO) has finally able to get a pilot project to cater the needs of food security and sustainability in future. According to the details,a delegation of Canadian International Develpment Agency (CIDA), a foreign donner firm visited office of Local Support Organization, known as Hyderabad Rural Support Organization (HRSO) to review the last two years performance in Soci0-economic development sector.
Izhar Ali Hunzai, General Manager, Muzafaruddin, Regional Programme Manager and Amin Beg, Programme Manager was also present on the occasion. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between HRSO and CIDA for the provision of financial and technical support in collaboration with AKRSP. Under the newly approved pilot project, new farming methods will be introduced by replacing traditional one to help ensure food security and sustainability in critical times.The main emphasis of focus will be educating farmers especially that in wheat cultivation and enhance yield from agricultural activities. The firm will provide tested and certified seeds as well as fertilizers according to the requirement.
Amin Baig, manager LSO told Voice of Hunza that a resource development center will be establish to groom locals. He said about twenty five female would be trained as master trainers who will be able to master the techniques. A special trainer will be sought from Europe to teach participants about the methods of drying of fruits to packing processes and will help the trainees to get access in foreign markets to maximize their profits of their efforts. In the second phase,three farmer field training schools will be established to train others to enhance their capacity in the field. "This initiative will help the next generation by using methods and conclusions drawn through research adding four bulls will be sought to cross with local cows to generate a better breed that give more milk and meat," added Nizam Baig, a member Bord of directors.Post disaster relief operations satisfactory; fleet of 10 boats on the way to replace airlift services affected by bad climatic conditions; medical equipments for Gulmit General to be provided soon: Babar Fateh Yaqoob
VoH Report
HUNZA, Karimabad,Feb.11: Cheif Secretary Babar Fatah Yaqoob has said that post disaster relief operations are
satisfactory and the government is doing its most to give relief to both the victims and others affected directly or indirectly.He was accompanied by Wazir Baig, speaker Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly (GBLA), Mirza Hussain, member GBLA, NDMA and Police officials and representatives of Ismaili Regional Council for Hunza.Waqar Taj, Deputy Commissioner Hunza-Nagar, Assistant Commissioner sub division Hunza, civil society members and NGO representative were also present on the occasion. Talking to voice of Hunza,here at Karimabad,at Deputy Commissioner's office during his visit vis-a-vis overview of post disaster scenario and work on removal of debris on Karakorum High Way and breach in staled water on Hunza river and temporary relief camps at Aliabad and Altit,he said that under the directions of federal government, and in collaboration with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), local administration is providing maximum contribution along with different humanitarian organizations to facilitate affectees. Replying to a question regarding an alternative solution to chopper service that has suspended for a week due to bad weather conditions he said that the main reason behind this visit aimed to create an alternative source to facilitate shifting of public via boats after a thorough study of the site saying special boats will reach to shift the commuters on daily basis. He said that natural disasters are an integral part of human life, the active role of local volunteers, NGOs, CSOs and government itself has made the relief operations effective.Rejecting the rumors if the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) was facing shortage of fund in air lift operations that led to suspension of facility he said that NDMA has its reserved funds and able to operate helicopters for a long time. He said that necessary medical equipment will be provided soon to ensure health facilities in Upper Hunza. Answering to another question that how long it will take to clear KKH and breach in water,he told VOH that at least five months are required to deliver the task." Under the recommendations of Chinese engineers, the work on the disaster site is going on; there is no such example where government has paid affectees within in a very short span of time", he added.No food shortage likely in Upper Hunza;opponents wants to politicize issue: Wazir Baig
VOH Report
HUNZA, Karimabad, Feb.11:
Wazir Baig,speaker Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly (GBLA) has said that no food shortage is likely in Upper Hunza and representative government is vigilant to the situation. He was speaking to voice of Hunza during his visit along Chief Secretary to temporary relief camps for affectees of slide hit area: Attaabad and Sarat village.He said that re-opening of Chinese border was aimed to facilitate people affected by disaster. He claimed opponents wants to politicize issue by taking advantage of suspension of helicopter service due to bad climatic conditions. He said that his party will continue to support oppressed by delivering what was promised during the poles.
Hunza-Nagar under the grip of severe cold wave; temperature fell minus one, blowing of icy winds added to the difficulties for massesVoice of Hunza ReportHUNZA, NAGAR, Feb.11: Hunza-Nagar like other districts of Gilgit-Baltistan has come under the grip of chilling cold following snow fall for last two weeks paralyzing life of both commercial life and common masses.
According to media reports,valleys of Hunza-Nagar, Gilgit, Ghizer, Diamer, Astore,Skardu and Ghanche district are in severe cold weather after snow fall affecting almost every wake of life in the region. The bad climatic conditions have resulted into suspension of flights between Islamabad to Gilgit and Skardu to Islamabad that created troubles for travelers on either side.On the other hand, icy cold winds have affected airlift operations in Hunza. Due to suspension of chopper service, hundreds of masses have been stranded on both sides. Public circles have demanded of government and NDMA authorities to provide temporary accommodation to the people blocked in Aliabad and Gulmit relief operational camps in Hunza. HQ Hospital Ghizer without doctors
VoH Monitor
GHIZER, Feb.11: Patients in this far-off district of Gilgit-Baltistan are facing immense hardship due to shortage of doctors and other facilities at the district Headquarters Hospital. There are only three medical officers working in the hospital while the surgeon, child specialist and two other medical officers appointed in the hospital are taking salaries from the account of the hospital but are working somewhere else. As a result, the costly equipment in the operation theater remain locked in a separate room where they are rusting. The operation theater has also been provided with a lot of medicines including costly injections but due to absence of the surgeon they also remain underutilized. Hundreds of patients come to the hospital from far-off areas of the valley for treatment but due to absence of doctors and paramedical staff they return without being even seen, while those having some resources move to Gilgit city. Besides, due to substandard construction of the hospital building, cracks have developed in the walls of the building particularly in the emergency and patients wards. The door of the operation theater has also broken. The hospital has only one ambulance but at the time of an emergency it cannot be operated due to shortage of fuel. Besides, MCH centres in the whole district have no medicines even for the treatment of common ailments like flu. The cleanliness condition in the dispensaries is so pathetic that even a healthy person can fall sick after visiting these centers.Public representatives of the area said they had brought the issue in the notice of the authorities concerned but every time they promised to resolve the issue but failed to fulfil their promises. Member of the legislative assembly from the area Dr Ali Sher told the media that negotiations were under progress with the health department authorities to appoint doctors at the DHQ hospital. He said if the public problem was not resolved on a priority basis, action would be taken against the quarters concerned. He also said that the issue would be taken up with the chief minister, Weekly Baang news reported.
Powers reshufled in civil administration of Gilgit-Baltistan; I.C to be under Chief Minister
Beauru Report
GILGIT,Feb. 11: (Yaqoob Ali) According to a notification issued by central government, under the new rules of Public Service Commission of Gilgit-Baltistan, the powers of official on transfer by chief secretary of Home secretary, secretaries of finance and others have been transferred to ministry of planning and the finance department.According to media reports, under the Public Service Commission rules accounts, DMG, postal and police services will subjected to work under the KANA division. The Inspection commission Gilgit-Baltistan has been given under the control of Chief Minister Syed Mehdi Shah. According to the the details department of tourism and environment will be subjected to function under finance division to make the processes simple. On the other hand, newly elected governor will have additional powers: review on revenue generation capacities and creation of new departments.
I being a part of a small community give u appreciation for ur committed work and highlghting actual problems faced by people.Your suggestions on editorials are impressive.Carry on our prayers with you dear editor!
shams bhai i wanna know about the planings of fwo and napwd , that how are they gonna release the blocked water...and how much time will it take??? thanx..amjad ali