Voice of Hunza
Oct 21- October 31
Psychologists, socialogists and anthropologists agree on the opinion that out come behaviour of an individual,the basic unit is result of variation in different variables make up his self and over all social perception.People living in a specific periphery are greatly influenced by impulses that a society gradually adopts to keep pace with the outer world environment. Historical chronicles elaborates that Hunza had been remain in isolation for many centuries since the first aborigines settled in extremely hard climate. Long lasting implications still can be observed with reference to colonial context while delineating the influential approach to maximize territorial, though now changed to economic occupation and command using Mecheavilion tactics. In Hunza, colonial yolk has vital impact on geopolitics to transform an autonomous to a subjugated entity by 1876 onwards when Pakistan formally took control of the region. Similarly,contemporary Some choronoicles vindicates the inter-cultural, traditional, ecological links with some of the regions of present Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Kyrghstan and Southern province of China through passes across the region. Gilgit-Baltistan has had major arena to endure sphere of influences in form of Russia in the North, China in the East, British imperialism in the South-West during the tug of war between imperial powers formerly known as Great-Game to prove dominancy on each other. Hunza, like other parts of other regions of Gilgit-Baltistan is a sparsely has an inspirational history, adornd with many heroes like Raja Safdar Khan, Captain Shah Khan, Captain Sherkhan,Subdedar Safiullah and other comerades who at last get the area rid of colonial yolk by overthrowing them to liberate a subjugated nation. Like in Hunza,Raja Safdar Khan in the early phase makes History more interesting who outmanueres and surprises British with humiliation by warning British to think before leaping into discord with a brave nation. We pay our due tribute to all those who sacrifice their lives to stop the white angels enter Hunza at entry points of Nagar. Yet, lack of mutual understanding among different stack holders (the then Rajas and advisors),lack of amunition, updated war tactics and suitable infrastructure. Good heavens, Gilgit-Baltistan,once liberated was then affiliated with Pakistan by some mystrous poeple, though not elected through a secret treaty as taken for granted-thus keeping the region in limbo that destines to a mortgage it in the name Kashmir dipute. The chackered history of the region, that take us about sixty two years back teach us many lessons:subjugation begetes further subjugation if not resisted,rights are taken not granted,ease brings cowardness,short term benefits bring longrun losses, and haphazard mere material development without mental growth in society is detrimental to coming generations.
Hunza, like many areas of Gilgit-Baltistan is a sparcely populated on macro level surrounded by mighty Karakorum mountaneous range. Ecologically, it is charecterized by steppe, deserted mountains with arid surface at various levels and humidity with altitudes ultimately turns into snow covered mountains that nourish many pastures with scanty forests on the way. Given these assets a common utilization patterns for many centuries, pets like cows, oxes, yaks, sheeps and goats are kept for agricultural and general purposes. Nevertheless, the pattern has been drastically changed since October 23rd, 1960 when Shah Karim Alhusaini, Aga Khan (fourth) placed his step in this extremely poor region. He was first among 49 spritual leaders (Imams) of Ismaili faith who ever visited his followers despite many hardships on the way; initiated varous educational and social upliftment programs. This is why his followers are celeberating 49th aniversary/salgeerah of their 49th iman to commumorate his contribution to the people of the whole region in general and Hunza in particular. Before him, agriculture and animal husbandary was the prime source of sustenence with no access to any domestic market. Heavy taxes were imposed on masses based on per acre occupation with least freedom to cook a even a slight dish in any house except royal family. People had not permission to go out side Hunza to learn knowledge except a certain creed and caste. But who can block the flow of history, gradually moves the wheel of transition and a supressed nation, though educated little embrace a new development on political front in the form of dismetalation of princely status of the region by Z.A.Bhutto-thus absolving poor masses from tyrant web of taxes and other chains in life. Elders assert that it was Z.A. Bhutto who delivered some thing extra ordinary people of the region ever thought. He established a special assistance fund for the masses and sent hundreds of trucks loaded with wheat, sugar and other general commodities to help eridicate hunger and starvation among people. Many critics raise baseless questions that it was a part of his political design, by ignoring factual statements and venturing personal opinion delibrately. When decipher closely, we come to know that he was well aware about the class struggle in Pakistani society as he personally experienced and it was Bhutto who introduce Special concession for students-who were able to travel with twenty five paisas; nationalized gaint industrial estates-the main cause to sustain feudal and capitalist mindset; transfered wealth from elite to poor class and many more. He did for the region without considertion of short term gains but keeping foresight for long run political benefits in terms of affiliation of people for many generations. After all he was a human being and human is err what about the rest who change their stance with every wave. He was well aware about the sufferings and deprivations of a common man in the country for he himself experienced a rough attitude towards his mother who came from a poor family. When he saw that the subjugate poor has no say in the society, he promissed to absolve a rotten society infacted by feudal mindset to a just one by empowering a common person to enter into assemblies through vote of people to address their problems. He may had some deficiencies which were explioted later by subjugating party by fuedal forces to convert it into a party that seems to defend interests of captalists, fuedal lords and notalbes instead of common man. The party should seek the suggestions of its abiding activist to make not just a nominal peoples party but in real sense through bestowing tickets to poor to ensure and meterialize the dream of Z.A.Bhutto of empowerment of people and this implies inter party reforms. On political front, situation turned worse when General Zia toppled a democratic government, though inelastic in 1977 elections with baseless allegations of murder case of Dr. Khan. Many were surpized to observe such an overwhelming victory of the Bhutto's party and other parties alledged him for rigging. During Zia's regime his party came under official persecution. Consequently, many workers were jailed and other killed during judicial trials. Mr.Bhutto, an asset of oriental horizen himself was killed by the then dictator and is said under the dictation of US to avoid further block based alliance in terms of Islamic countries and atomic porliferation. The feudal minset and male dominant society that never accept gender equality and rule of a famale leadership, PPP led late Benazir Bhutto's both later governments were dismissed on unproved charges of corruption and lack of transparency. Pakistani establishment both civil and military supported the next governments like that of Nawaz Sharif, influenced and nurtured under dictatorship. It is a tyrany of history that a leader nourished under the shadows of a dictator was later victimized by a military dictator on murder attemp and hijaking charges. The last eight years of Gen.(retired) Musharraf's rule witnessed a major change. The incident of September 11, 2001 shifted policies of many countries including US with outer world especially with Pakistan. His response was immediate and in haste without taking stake holders in confidence by taking U-turn in foreign policy. The country that was petronizing Jihad as prime strategy was gradually converted into unwanted act. The merceneries nurtured since the Zia era under US aid net were termed terrorists; pressure to eliminate such non state actors increased gradually and in return the country observed rain of dollars, though went in few pockets. Here, it will be injustice to blame Pervez Musharaf personally rather the then Parliament, army and cilvil establishment has a due share in the case. In truth he was the only one who put his hand into heu of bees. Nevertheless, it is a fact that the main characteristic of a dictatorship regime used to neglects public opinion and take steps in haste. The sudden tilt in policy forced these merceneries trained in Aghanistan to show their reaction and resentment in terms of suicide bombing across the country.
The dawn of democracy preceded a carnage in the form of loss of Banazir Bhutto, a globally recognized leader in a sucide bombing incident in Liaqat Bagh-a witness to murder of an eminent leader after late Liaqat Ali Khan by early fiftees. It is good to observe that other parties play a supportive rule to drive the country on democractic lines by taking lessons from their past mistakes. It is also responsiblity of central government to take all parties and stake holders on issues of national interest to harmonize the situation in the country. New programmes like Benazir Bhato Incom Support, though became profound is the fruit of sacrifice late Benazir Bhutto has made for the country and credit should go to Bhutto family for their remarkable services for the contry.
Lets come to the regional matters. Gilgit-Baltistan is a sparcely populated mountanous region, junction of gigantic Karkorum, Himalayan and Hidukush ranges; and directly ruled by Islamabad as its defecto part. On social grounds if we go through records, it is evident that it was Aga Khan Development Network and other few NGOs that inspired government to initiate public walfare to an asleep ignorant nation of their civil rights. While on political front the history of last sixty two years is more painful even then before that. Rulers came and gone; lied to the masses in the name of different initiatives and packages with invisible designs to annex the area using divide and rule policy. Amdidst,the PPP led federal government has given a self governance reform package to give Gilgit Baltistan self autonomy with in the parameters of foreign policy priciples. On the whole it is considered a better step towards empowering subjugated population in the country. Nevertheless, there exist few controversial clauses needs to be address in future. Among them is appointment of an alien federal minister as regional governor and Prime Minster as its haed accompnied by six ministers who are again not elected by the people of the region. The Chief Minister and supportive six members of the council have still little power to challenge any move. Nearly all bills are subjected to the assent of Prime Minister being its chairman and governor empowered by centre. On financial matters, council is given authority to formulate, plan and to be approved after an extensive debate in the house but still not clear that who will approve it. If we try to compare Article 47 of Governance Order 2009 with the Article of 31 of Azad Kashmir constitution of 1974, a great imbalance appears. Article 47 gives Gilgit-Baltistan Legilative Assembly to legistlate on 61 subjects while AJK constitution keeps no embargo on Legislative assembly to legistlate on specific subject with in the territory. Another significant restiction imposed on both assemblies under article 30-A and article 33 of AJK 1974 constitution and G.B.Self Governance Order, 2009 respectively is that no discussion could take place in assembly, council and in joint seesion regarding conduct of Judges of supreme and apppellate courts, defence, security issues, foreign affairs and fiscal plan of central government with regad to discharging their duties. There are some strengths and long term benefit in it. The first is that it is first step towards complete autonomy. Secondly,it has helped change the perception of outside world about the region. This became visible when a strong earth quake hit Azad Kashmir and adjecent areas. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were provided as aid by donner agencies came in the name of Northern Areas. Deliberately, policy makers wrongly named the area Northern Areas that brought region with in the periphery of N.W.F.P and FATA. When later insurgency witnessed in trible belt, global community assumed Gilgit-Baltistan a part of affected area thus paralyzing an area completely free from such elements economically. The tourism and hotle industry,the main engine of economy has been badly suffered due to terrorist activities and following military operations against these non-state actors in Noth Western Frontier provice which allows Karakorum High Way, the only land passage, to pass on its chest. The change of name from Northern Areas to Gilgit-Baltistan are hoped to bring a drastic change by portraying a peaceful image that will ultimately result into patronization of tourism, hotle industry, trade and commerce across the region both by land and air means.
Being an independent mindset, complete autonomy should be the next step through democratic and civilized ways by unification and better understandig of circumstances to expliot available resources for the benefit of common man. Now, it seems that in the region, where literacy level exceeds eighty percent are politically and socially more concious.Our forefathers has a majestic history in all walks of life but unfortunately that seems destine to decline gradually except few cases. While on political front, either inable or scarcity of regional leadership failed to sail nation out of turbulent water. As a whole, one of the main deficiency today in us for the decline of the legacy is that of superiority complex-underestimate others, ignoring own faults; contempt towards even our own-selves, lack of smart working approach, readily excitement and quick loose behaviour, and fear of sound of bullet. Virtually, many of us surprise what happened to us; accounts of Hunza men of past echoes in the air still but its offsprings forgoten the legacy of bravery.Every nation experience such tendencies while coming up to a maturity levle. Only those nations can able to sustain who are united, keep norms alive, abide with moral laws, realistic in life and after all learn lesson from past experiences. Unification, patience, forgiveness and benevolence are the dire requirment to cope coming challenges in our way. It is said that three main dificiecies of human kind includes: wealth,woman and rule fits the destiny of the nation. Local representitives benificieris of bearocracy rather of masses hardly addressed the problems faced in thier every day live.
We hope that people of the region will once again be able prove their identity to retain status of a more rganized nation on globe in future ahead by shuning difference with open hearts to win their demands for the larger interest. Election proccesses are on climax in the region. It will be better if local administration implement a code of conduct to ensure use of civilize speech and mutual respect among the candidtes and party workers, for success is not a big thing but only counts how far is sustained effectively. Pakistan Peoples Party has many obligations on this region. The most vital is eridication of monarchy, replaced Princely flag with that of Pakistani flag and after all he gave the right of vote and representation to a paralyzed and issolated nation lived in severe conditions. We should remind the fact that what ever today we have in terms of democracy that allows every person a right of representaion is the foresightedness of Zulfiqar Ali Bhatto many decades ago. The rulling party has given a new package, though with many shortcomings, yet, it is hoped that this will prove a step towards complete autonomy. People have many expectations and most significant is approval of additional seat. PPPs local leadership has assured people to get not just one but two additional seats based on recensus figers. It is expected that people will cast their vote in the deocratic processes, election is a mean to send our leadership that address our miseries and problems. Vote of every individual is more expensive than he thinks. It is the difference of a single vote that declares on successful. The right of frenchise should be a rationale one that would help ensure to send a right, experienced, educatied, sicere leadership having calibre and gutts to bring a tangigle change by triggering the stimulus to change the fate of the whole region.


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Posted by Shamsuddin Muhammad on Sunday

Heartiest greetings and Happy Independance day to all dwellers of the Gilgit-Baltistan

VoH Watch
Hunza, Nov. 01: On the occasion of this auspicious day, we the team of Voice of Hunza say our heartiest greetings and Happy Independance day to all dwellers of the Gilgit-Baltistan. And we want to pay our due tribute to those all who laid their lives for this noble cause.

Nationalists were detained ahead of independance day in Gilgit
VoH Watch
GILGIT, Nov. 01:(Shamsuddin Muhammamad) About dozens of nationalist party activists have been reported arrested on the eve of independance day celebration in Gilgit city.Details provided by reliable sources activists of KNM: Farooq Ahmed , Javed Iqbal, Akber Khan; of Balor Labour Party: Amanullah, Wajahat and Nadir shah including many activists and leaders of other parties by local administration to avoid any agitation on the independance day.


Ustad Kalb-e-Ali leads a regrous electon compaign
VOH Watch
HUNZA, ALIABAD, November 01: Ustad Kalb-e-Ali, an independent candidate for LA-6 initiate a regorous compaign to convince people of his vecinity. A huge rally comprised of more than 82 vehicles and about 50 moter bykes passed by Hunza to enter upper Nagar area to stage a gathering. It is believed tha he will give a tough time to other contanders including
Mirza Hussain of PML(Q).


Strong opposition of Gojal youth,

Noor Muhammad returns with loose heart

VoH Monitoring Desk
BY:Shamsuddin Mummamad
GULMIT,GOJAL, Oct.31: Noor Muhammamad, a candidate of All Hunza Action Committee (AHAC) who has been on his election compaigns had a scheduled visit to Gojal to convince for vote. Yet, today's incident shows the circumstances prove unfavourable for him. Accompanied by many figures in his support he arrived at Gulmit, the Gojal's headquarter in afternoon. He was unable to attract a large number of people for the procession. As Noor Muhammad started his speech, a group of youngsters chanted slogans against him and the party.He choosed to stop his sppeech and and wrap up the public meeting immediately. Nevertheless, he said that he is planning a remarkable political gathering of All Hunza Action Committee (AHAC) shortly in Gulmit to show his strength ahead poles.


Ghulam Abbas joins MQM in Gojal

VoH Watch

GULMIT, October 31: (Shamsuddin Mummamad) According to some reliable source, Ghulam Abbas, who failed earlier to get ticket from PPP announced quitting his Pakistan Poeple party and joined Mutahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), withdrew in favor of Kamil Jan infront of a lagrge gathering of people of Gojal valley.
Sources say that it will benefit Kamil jan who has succeeded to break many people including veterans of many federalist parties including PPP and PML (Qa) and Nawaz. Kamil Jan has beloud favourable response of the people towards Mutahida Qaumi Movement. Talking to media he said, "irrespective of whether or not he wins the polls, he will servethe region as a son of the soil". He asserted that the party has check and balance system that makes one answerable to his voters and to his party leadership". He said that he in favour of demand for three seats for Hunza. Pointing to difficulties faced by students of the region in obtaining admissions in different educational institutions he said that his party will help ensure that no discriminatory policies are formulated against the students of Area.


Free trade zone among the fourteen points manifesto of MQM

Demands public representation in national assembly and Senate;
establishment and upgradation of educational institutions, betterment in basic health
facilities; new power projects in Hunza
VoH Monitoring desk
Hunza, October 29: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Mutahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) announced a fourteen point based manifesto for the upcoming election of ilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly in a public gathering in a local hotel here at Karimabad, Hunza on Wednesday evening. The speakers wereamong Sufian Yousuf, Abdul Khaliq Balooch and Abid Zaiidi of Provincial Coordination Committee. Prioritizing education as one of the most important part of the manifesto, it has demanded establishment and upgradation of both existing and new institutions in the region. Similarly, in both health and energy sector, MQM announced to establish new health facilities and power projects in Hunza. These points include:
  1. representation of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan in National Assembly and Senate
  2. up-gradation of Hunza subdivision to District
  3. two additional seats for Hunza in GBLA
  4. Prioritising announced to upgrade F.G Upgradation of degree College
  5. Upgradation of Aliabad to Engineering College
  6. Upgrading F.G Girls inter college Karimabad to Degree College
  7. Establishment of Inter College in Gojal
  8. Establishment of Cadet College in Shinaki
  9. increment in qouta for the students of Gilgit-Baltistan in educationalistitutions across the contry
  10. Establishment of Agro-technical college in Hunza
  11. Establishment of a 20-bed hospital in Gojal
  12. Establishment of new power station
  13. supply of subsidised LPG gas
  14. To declare Hunza as free trade zone in trade sector
On party level an advisory comprised of board of educated youth and notables was proposed to address issues of youth. Speaking to the gathering, Sufian Yousuf, an MPA from F.B. Area, Karachi claimed that MQM is the only platform for the poor people of Gilgit-Baltistan to raise their voices against the oppressions in both houses. He said our manifesto seeks ‘Empowerment for all’ and it struggles for about 98% population of the country. He announced for planning the institutional mechanisms of the party in Hunza soon after the election. While Abid Zaidi, member provincial coordination committee comparing sufferigns of Urdu speaking thinicity with the people of Gilgit-Baltistan said that MQM will provide the platform to address all major issues. Abdul Kahliq Balooch vowed to back the efforts of Kamil Jan in Hunza.Kamil Jan, the candidate of MQM from Hunza criticised former representatives saying he is going to contest the election with a mission to serve the people. “Having no educational qualification, my honest struggle taught me a lot to lead the people and serve them”, he further added. He rejected the allegations of pouring huge money to attract voters saying no one is so poor to sell his will.
On the other hand Neeknam Karim of PPP announced formally to join MQM for he thinks it a more appropriate platform to adress issues of area. He alleged party leadership for expliotation of merit and inefficiencies with in the party. The domestic resultant furstration cuased by poor performance of federal parties have left no place to join new parties to voice against injustices with the region. Nevertheless, it has been observed that politics was a dirty game and has had least consideration for poor as seasonal birds in past have shown by appearing in elections only and disappear from the people.


Sincere leadership is the need of hour, Visaless access of Hunzais top priority; Hunza to be made commercial hub by making it free trade zone
says: Raja Shehbaz Khan

VOH Monitor

HUNZA, Hyderabad, October 27: (Shamsuddin Muhammad) Raja Shehbaz Khan, an independant candidate for LA-6 in comming elections has said that the sincere leadership to address issues of the region is need of the hour. He was addressing to a public gathering followed by inuagration of electio compaign office at Hyderabad.He criticised government for for its baised policies saying we have been neglecting and descriminating people of Hunza in government jobs depite having better and relevant qualifications for many decades. we have not even a single assistant commission in the whole region. " I am not like one who gets hotter for some time and loose the courage; I will stand for additional representation, increment in qouta and visa free access of people of Hunza to China with mere Computerized national identity card. He said that he is going to sign an agreement to a Chinese firm to establish an internationally bound trade centre in Hunza proper that will in turn generate employment for the youth of the region." I shall try to bring experts along with modernequipments with the consent of the people to unearth the precious minerals from our mountains that will indirectly play a role in well being of the people ", he added.


Traiters will lose the poles: says Noor Muhammad
Voice of Hunza Watch
GILGIT, Oct.26: Noor Muhammad, candidate of All Hunza Action Committee (AHAC) has said that triters will lose the opportunity in comming elections. Talking to media persons he said that all federalist Parties have proved complete failure and were confined to their own interests. He said that people of Hunza will vote him to teach the lesson to those who hood winked them in past. He warned government if it use tactics to rig the pols of harsh consequences.


Peple should support a rationale leader who has left every thing for them:
Mir Ghazanfar Ali

Well educated leadership can only cope future challenges: Prince Shehar Yar Khan
VOH Monitor
HUNZA,HYDERABAD, Oct. 24: Prince Sheharyar Khan, son of former Chief Executive Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan and the candidate contesting for upcoming elections with the ticket of Muslim League Nawaz has said that only well educated and rationale leadership can bring the nation out of troubles and sufferings. Shehar Yar Khan who has geared up his election compaigns reached Khurukushal in a form of a rally. Addressing followed by inauguration of compaing office at famous Titanic Hotle spot accompanied by his father Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan and Rani Atiqa, he said that I have entered the field to struggle for the rights of the people of Hunza. "I am proud of bieng a Hunzai who have an inspirational historical back ground in the region", he added. He said that today due to unemployment, hundreds of youth are without jobs; that created depression and sense of deprivation." A comprehensive work is underway to address the issues the people on priority basis, he added. Mir Ghazanfar Ali Khan and Rani Atiqa called on the people to support him as he is well educated who left his job, has parliamentary experience and keen to serve people of this region. Mr. Ghazanfar said, Prince Shehar Yar was intellegent and had a political mind we hope that the people of Hunza would elect him with a huge margin of votes. He confidently asserted that was a suitable candidate for the position of regional governor of the region and considered him self betterly experienced person with the highest rank as Chief Executive in past. He further said that he won more than eight times and served in capacity of as member and higher levels adding he has had better relations both with bearocracy and political figures that made every task for him possible. He rejected the allegations that he has had created obstacles in their projects and funds and said to ask them even meet a deputy commissioner with out my recommendation. " There was never a scandal against him and involved in corruption and equally respected by all sects being a neutral person in the region", he added. He also said that there was a need of constituences in Hunza, Ghizar, Diamar and Shiger.


Rehmatullah accorded a warm welcome
VOH watch
HUNZA,HYDERABAD, Oct. 24: A warm reception was accorded to Rehmat Ullah, a contestant in upcomming election from ward six at Khurukushal Hyderabad on Saturday evening. Rehmat ullah who is on his election comapaign visited to inaugurate election compaign office in the presence of hundreds of supporters at famous Titanic hotel hotel here at Hyderabad. He was accompanied by Mr. Salman Arif, former chairman district council was warmly received by the people when at 3:40 PM. Addressing to a large gathering he promised to deliver many projects ranging from sanitation to health and education. He also announced Rs. 50,000 as a grant for the construction and expansion of central Jamat Khana.


Wazir Baig vows to adhere his commitment to diliver multi projects
VOH Watch
HUNZA,HYDERABAD,Oct.24:(Shamsuddin Muhammad) Wazir Baig, candidate from Pakistan People's Party (PPP) while addressing following inauguration of compaign office asserted that despite his will to nominate any young person, the respective committee has trusted him again to contest the election. He said that it is beauty of democracy that today different candidates are contesting elections from different parties. He said," I am pleased to see that our new generation has got more political awarness evident from their inception into the struggle for the rights of the region through participating in elections." He promised the people of Hyderabad to deliver many projects to this area that has been left backward for unseen reasons. He ensured the people to establish a Basic Heal Unit (BHU) if he win the elction, immidiately. He reiterated to adhere with the slogans of his party to deliver Roti, Kapra and Makaan and vowed to deliver new projects for the area. Answering to a question that candidates from both Karimabad and Aliabad have already won elections many times in past but not a single has nominated so far to contest elections thus sandwitched the area without any remarkable development except few link roads and educational institutions with the help of NGOs he said that he will focus his attention on Hyderabad if he wins the election in days to come. He urged the people to know the worth of their vote and cast it for the right one whether that is he or some one, an individual who can deliver.


Political Activities gain momentum in Hunza
VoH watch
HUNZA,HYDERABAD, Oct.23: (Shamsuddin Muhammad)Like the other parts of Gilgit Baltistan, political activities have gain momentum in different areas of Hunza namely Karimabad, Hyderabad, Altit, Shiskat, Aliabad, Hasanabad, Murtazaabad, Gulmit, Nasirabad, Hussainabad, Mayone, Khyber, Sost, Misgar and other areas of Gojal. Candidates contesting election from different political parties have started their election compaigns to convince poeple for respective support. One of the vital difference in current and the past elections is presence of more than a dozen of candidates, though many seasonal birds with different party backgrounds is confusing people to whom they should vote for.

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Posted by Shamsuddin Muhammad on

Pakistan and China enters a teaty to combate terrorrism VoH Watch
BEJING, October 28:(Shamsuddin Muhammad) According to a reliable source Pakistan and China has entered an agreement to strengthen collaboration in defence and counter terrotirsm and to work comprehensively on security related issues. According to details, Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani and Chinese President Hu Jintao in a meeting that took place at the Peoples Great Hall of China reietrates, their keen desire to enhave cooperation to counter extremist threats and terrorism and making further progress in strategic partnership machanism.Gilani while briefing media about his meeting with the Hu termed as a way forward in the historical friendly relations between both countries since Bhutto regime.


US Secratert state Hillary reaches Pakistan for talks
She sees Pakistan crucial for stability in Afghanistan
VoH Monitoring desk
ISLAMABAD, October 29:(Shamsuddin Muhammad) Hallary Clinton, US secratery state has reached Pakistan to discuss security issues persists on Eestern and Eastern borders of the country. According to a privite Urdu news Channel, she arrived Islamabad international airport by a special airbus who was greeted by various government officials. Later Both Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Foreign minster of Pakistan and Hillary Clinton spoke to a presss confress. She highlighted the army's role in the war against terrorism saying Pakistan amidst state of war making efforts to eliminate terrible and extrimist groups working against the interest of both Pakistan and international community. While Shah Mehmood Qureshi, who I think is one of the most eminant and knowledgable foreign ministers in Pakistan described a policy shift from individula to the public.
Talking to Talat Hussain, a senior journalist while speaking to media later that how many air fields are utilized by USA in Pakistan she said that America has given hundreds of million dollars as tenancy. Defence analysts are of opinion that Hilary has not much streng and Pakistan should take a firm stance on security issues rather to conceed on every demand of US administration.


Voilence revisits Peshawar city
At least ninty people including children and women killed in the carnage
Scores of people still trapped in the rubble since many hours; more than two hundred injured; emergency declared in Lady reading hospital
VoH Watch
PESHAWAR, October 28:(Shamsuddin Muhammad) At least ninty people including children and women have been reported killed and more than two hundred injured, many seriously, in a huge magnitude car bomb blast in Peoples Mandi of Meena Bazar,the commercial hub of Peshawar city. According to a private news channel that reported first that about twenty people have been killed immidiately. Yet, the death toll rose instantly and reached to sixty within thirty minutes as one part of the affected building was shown closped while rescue operations were continue. Tyranically, rescue teams were unable to reach till thirty minutes of incident while the locals managed to take both injured and bodies to hospitals with the help of charitable institutions like Edhi foundation and made efforts find those under rubble till rescue teams reach the area. Tyranically, the response of police was unprofessional who reached spot lately and instantly opened fire in the air to disperse the crowd busy to remove and find the injured. A witness alleged them for irresponsible and unprofessional. Answering to a question of news anchor Mr.Azam Khan, commissioner of Peshawar city said that they are going to change tactics and way to warn about any danger and acknowledged the incident was the result of security laspe. He said that it was a car bomb blast in which more than 150 kg explosive material has been used to bring more destruction. Dozens of shops have been reported gutted and nearby buildings have been seriously affected. Bashir Ahmed Balor, senior minister while speaking to a news channel could not control him self and tears came down his chicks saying the culprits involved in the incident are niether Muslims nor a human but the beast whose target is the unarmed and innocent people who has no concern what ever is going on in Waziristan against insurgency and militancy. A series of bomb blast has ruined the city since the last month leaving many people dead and hundreds injured to pressurize government against ongoing military operation in FATA. The bomb blast has been considered as one of the big carnage in the history of Peshawar and the sciene was so devastating that many viewers along me left the Tv launge. The media proved mature first time showing real situation and avoid showing burnt bodies of victims-a responsible attitude of jurnalism.


UN appeals for ensuring safety of Pakistani civilians fleeing conflict

VOH Monitor
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 25 (APP): Amid mounting numbers of Pakistani civilians escaping the fighting between Government forces and militants, aid agencies have called for observing international humanitarian law ensuring safety for civilians, the U.N. said Sunday. To date around 139,000 people have fled the conflict in the South Waziristan region into the bordering North West Frontier Province (NWFP), according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). “Those leaving South Waziristan have travelled over a forbidding terrain, with limited supplies and in conditions of fear and hardship,” said UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Pakistan Martin Mogwanja. “As displaced civilians reach areas of relative safety, the United Nations and its humanitarian partners are working to make sure that they have the support” even simple necessities, from food and water to blankets and health protecting vaccines “ to weather this terrible time,” Mogwanja added. OCHA said that the humanitarian community in Pakistan calls upon the combatants to respect humanitarian law and its principles of distinction between civilians and combatants, as well as proportionality in the means and methods of warfare. Underscoring that attacks on civilians are absolutely prohibited and that civilians have to be granted safety and safe passage, OCHA highlighted the need to ensure the continuation of assistance. The UN and its partners have been providing aid in the form of registration to assess the numbers and needs of the internally displaced persons (IDPs), food rations, vaccination for children, household items and hygiene kits, and access to drinking water. In the last 10 days alone, 57,600 IDPs have been registered in two NWFP districts Dera Ismail Khan and Tank. Most of the IDPs are taking shelter in host communities, with friends and families, or in rented homes, following a pattern set in other recent conflicts in Pakistan. At present no camps have been set up in the two hosting districts, but the humanitarian community stands ready to assist with tents, sanitation and other facilities if needed. As international aid organizations have no direct access to the conflict areas in South Waziristan, humanitarian assistance is delivered through local partners in Dera Ismail Khan and Tank.UN agencies and their partners have distributed over 1,000 tons of food to around 30,000 people, while 35,000 have received hygiene kits to prevent the spread of disease in these difficult, congested conditions. Agencies have also rehabilitated water supplies and installed hand pumps, ensuring that 45,000 IDPs have access to safe water. Many of the children have never been vaccinated, and measles immunization campaigns have already reached over 180,000 children, both from IDP and host community families, OCHA said. Associated Press of Pakistan


Pakistan, Turkey to set up Program Coordination Office
VOH Monitor
ISLAMABAD, Oct 25 (APP): Pakistan and Turkey signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for establishment of a Program Coordination Office by Turkish International Cooperation Agency in Pakistan.Following is the text of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of Turkey and the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on establishment of the Program Coordination Office: The Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (hereinafter referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as “the Parties”),CONSIDERING the existing friendship and cooperative relations existing between the two countries,Desiring to conclude a Memorandum of Understanding for implementing the development assistance from the Republic of Turkey,HAVE AGREED as follows:-
Article 1
1.1 The Parties will cooperate for contribution of the Republic of Turkey, through Cooperation Programme, towards development efforts in Pakistan through project/programme and technical assistance.
1.2 The Cooperation Programme will cover the fields of capacity building and implementation of development projects/programmes in Pakistan.

Article 2
2.1 This Memorandum of Understanding describes the intention of the Parties to sign a Cooperation Protocol for the Establishment of the Programme Coordination Office (PCO) of Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA) in Pakistan.

2.2 The Cooperation Programme between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of Turkey will be coordinated by TIKA and the Economic Affairs Division (EAD) of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

2.3 With the aim of expanding cooperation between the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, TIKA will prepare, and conduct programs and projects in consultation with EAD, and coordinate the issues related to development assistance to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Article 3
TIKA, within the framework of Cooperation Programme, will provide assistance through assignment of experts, providing material, equipment and other facilities for the development projects, imparting training to Pakistani personnel, and bearing all expenses relating to the establishment and operation of the PCO.

Article 4
EAD, within the framework of the Cooperation Programme, will provide all necessary facilities to the PCO, as are allowed under the rules.

Article 5
Under the framework of this Memorandum of Understanding, TIKA will provide assistance for projects/programmes in the
following fields through the PCO:

i. social sectors (education, health, social welfare, population welfare, etc.),

ii. regional development programme, and

iii. capacity building of the Government sector,

Article 6
6.1 This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last written notification by which the Parties notify each other, through diplomatic channels, of the completion of their internal legal procedures required for the entry into force of this Memorandum of Understanding.

6.2 This Memorandum of Understanding, shall remain in force, unless terminated earlier, until the date of the entry into

force of the “Cooperation Protocol” to be concluded later between the Government of the Turkish Republic and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. One of the Parties may notify the other in writing through diplomatic channels of its intention to terminate the Memorandum of Understanding 3 months prior to the date of notification.

6.3 The termination of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not affect the activities and projects already in progress or executed.

Article 7.

This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended by mutual written consent of the Parties at any time. The Party wishing to amend the Memorandum of Understanding shall notify the other in writing through diplomatic channels of its intention to amend the Memorandum of Understanding 1 month prior to the date of notification. The amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the same legal procedure prescribed under Article 6.1 of this Memorandum. APP


NGOs offer to look after IDPs if provided security
VOH Watch
ISLAMABAD, Oct.24: International non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in Pakistan have offered to take care of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) flooding out of Waziristan, provided the government ensure their security. The start of the military operation has forced thousands of people to flee South Waziristan for the neighbouring Tank and DI Khan. Representatives of NGOs, including Muslim Hands and Helping Hands, have approached the Interior Ministry with the offer and Interior Minister Rehman Malik is likely to meet them to chalk out a strategy. Dailytimes


Govt holding back funds for development projects
  • Meagre amounts released to agriculture, health and communication ministries in first quarter of current fiscal year
VOH Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD: Contrary to its claims of giving top priority to the sectors of agriculture and health to ensure food security and public health, the government on Tuesday held back funds for various development projects, releasing only Rs 1.079 billion and Rs 1.963 billion respectively for the first quarter of the financial year 2009-10. The two ministries had earlier been promised Rs 8.056 billion and Rs 5.386 billion in the first quarter respectively.
On the second day of the 3-day deliberations for the first quarterly review of the Public Sector Development Programme PSDP 2009-10, the meeting was informed that the total allocation for the Food and Agriculture Ministry was Rs 17.961 billion for 51 development projects. The ministry had demanded Rs 8.056 billion in the first quarter of 2009-10, but it will be allowed only Rs 1.079 billion.
Some important schemes being undertaken by the ministry include National Programme for Improvement of Watercourses in Pakistan, Special Programme for Food Security and Productivity Enhancement of Small Farmers in 1012 villages, Crops Maximisation Project, National Project for Enhancing Existing Grain Storage Capacity and National Commercial Seed Production Programme.
In the PSDP 2009-10, the government had allocated Rs 23.154 billion for total 78 development projects in the health sector. The Health Ministry had demanded Rs 5.386 billion for the completion of their certain projects in the first quarter, but the Finance Ministry only released Rs 1.963 billion. The PSDP review meeting also discussed the allocation for the Ministry of Communication. In the PSDP 2009-10, the government allocated Rs 45.97 billion for its 85 development schemes. At the beginning of the current fiscal year, the ministry had demanded Rs 14.69 billion for the first quarter. However, the government released only Rs 7.75 billion. Dailytimes


Feirce attack on Islamic university in capital: Claims six lives,three girls among six killed
VoH Watch

ISLAMABAD, Oct. 21: (Shamsuddin Muhammad): At least six people have killed as twin suicide bombers blew themselves off near segregated blocks namely Shariat department and cafeteria of the Islamic university’s main campus,located at H-10 sector in the capital. According to early news of delivered by various channels,three female among six killed in firstever attack on students as twin suicide bombers hit Islamic University Islamabad. All provincial governments on Tuesday ordered to close both government, semi-government and private educational institutions across the country following suicide attack. This is the first time that militants have targeted a prestigious Islamic educational institution especially a department that imparts sharia law. According to the news aired by a private news channel,a bomber, about 25 years old, barged into the female facility resisting people on spot, blowing himself up at the entrance of the girls’ cafeteria.The other bomber blew himself on the first floor of the Imam The incident took place following the threats to educational institutions from militants; some of which decided to close their facilities for a couple of days. However,some of the other institutions like Islamic University did not close saying that they were not aware of such a direct threat.
A series of such suicide attacks have rocked N.W.F.P, Lahore and twin cities: Rawalpindi and slamabad since the first week of October, killing more than 255 people thus making October one of the bloodiest months since the beginning of the terrorist attacks.


Interior ministry’s accounts show Rs400m irregularities
My Post Monitor
ISLAMABAD, Oct 20: The interior division’s accounts show irregularities worth Rs400 million, according to an audit report presented in the National Assembly.According to the report, most of the mismanagement was related to its wing issuing arms licences — about Rs223 million could not be reconciled.During 2007-2008, the ministry issued 44,558 new arms licences and received Rs222.98 million as fees. Audit fficials said they could not verify that the amount paid through challans had actually been credited to government account.During the departmental audit committee meeting held in March this year, the ministry was asked to produce a reconciliation report. However, no such statement was provided till July.The report said, the concern was shared with the interior ministry officials in June last year and it was suggested that arms licences should only be issued after verifying that fees had been deposited with the treasury office concerned.In the absence of proper reconciliation of receipts, risk of arms licences being issued against fake challans was very high, it said, adding that if the practice continued, the government would lose a significant amount.It is worth mentioning here that during the current financial year, the interior ministry again saw unauthorised issuance of arms licences and FIA booked three of its section officers in the scam. During physical inspection of the interior ministry in November last year, Rs1.046 million in cash was found missing as per records shown on the cash book.
The ministry’s version was that money had been spent to meet departmental expenditures.A review of the record indicated that the money was spent on irrelevant purposes. During the DAC meeting it was decided that shortage of the cash would be made up, but until July this year no progress was made. Dawn News


Terror threats lead to closure of schools, colleges countrywide
VOH Watch
ISLAMABAD, Oct. 20: All educational institutions run by the federal government and the armed forces and some top-ranking private sector institutions will remain closed for up to a week in Islamabad, cantonments, all major cities, FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir, reported a private TV channel late on Sunday.
The channel said the government had decided to close schools and colleges for a week because of security threats. Meanwhile, the City School, Grammar schools and the Beaconhouse School System have also decided to close their institutions for three days.The decision would not affect schools and colleges run by provincial governments and other private sector institutions. Students living in hostels have also been sent home over security concerns. The channel reported that a notification would be issued today (Monday) for the holidays. Garrison School will also remain closed for three days.In Balochistan, the federal government schools and colleges would also remain closed, while PAF Schools would not open in Mianwali today. The private Roots School System also announced the closure of its institutions in the federal capital. Dailytimes

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Respect for diversity
Voic of Hunza
By Intizar Hussain
“AS a Gujarati writer, my queries are addressed to the literary fraternity,” said a prominent writer. The queries he raised were bitter. And the literary fraternity he was addressing included writers of all schools of thought coming from different parts of South Asia. Save for India, the largest delegation was from Pakistan, led by Kishwar Naheed. The occasion was the Saarc Writers Conference and the venue was the India International Centre in New Delhi, where these writers had assembled in a festive mood, meeting one another and a host of their admirers.The happiest soul among all was Ajeet Cour, who opined on the occasion that “the meeting of creative minds is always a miraculous experience”. This particular miraculous experience was the result of what she called her mad dream. A dream of more meaningful creativity, in which greater harmony among human beings and their environment is achieved, that included harmony with all kinds of species, be they plants or animals, so that the concept of peaceful co-existence could be turned into a reality.She recalled September 1987 when she had organized what she claimed to be the first ever Indian Pakistani Writers Conference in New Delhi, which “gradually matured into a forum where the writers from all over the Saarc region could come together”.
And it was now being held as the 11th Saarc Writers Conference, defined by Ajeet Cour as a “dialogue aimed at learning to know each other’s values, culture, and heritage so that there is constant openness and respect for diversity”. All the writers gathered kept this view in their minds and spoke with a sense of optimism, giving due recognition and respect to the ‘otherness of the others’. But the Gujarati writer coming from Ahmadabad spoke in a different tone, expressing his bitterness. “As a writer in Gujarati, my queries are addressed to the literary fraternity. First of all, should we not ask ourselves if issues of the communal divide have mattered to our vocation as writers, and if yes, have we made efforts to understand or address them in our writing? Why have these issues not stirred our consciousness despite the continuous recurrence of communal violence for over three decades in Gujarat leading to its most explosive form in the recent carnage?” The Gujarati writer, who uttered these words, was Ghulam Mohammad Sheikh. He is also a known painter or perhaps a bit more. I still remember seeing, a few years back, his paintings on screen depicting the riot-stricken Ahmadabad soaked in blood. Ghulam Mohammad Sheikh doesn’t know Urdu. But he is conscious of the fact that in Gujarati “there exists a genre of poetry entrenched deeply in the Urdu literary tradition”. Ghazal writing and publishing, he pointed out, has remained alive for nearly a century attracting poets from almost every part of the subcontinent. “Intricacies of the classical mode of Urdu ghazal and its Gujarati versions are often discussed and debated in literary fora. Not long ago the Mushairas held sway alongside Kavisammelans at a popular level,” he said. “Gujarati has numerous words and terms of Perso-Arabic origin inextricably woven into daily vocabulary. A large number (perhaps a majority) of Muslims speak only Gujarati and their Urdu or Hindustani is heavily influenced by Gujarati expressions,” he added.
But, he regretted, all this least mattered to the contemporary Gujarati writers. “The complexities of a plural Muslim ethos of Gujarat or the larger ethos of inter-community cultures across religions has remained unexplored in contemporary Gujarati literature.”On the whole, according to him, there is “a lack of understanding or of a desire of understanding cultures other than those the writers belong to or are familiar with”. Ghulam Mohammad Sheikh also had something unpleasant to say with regard to Gujarati writers’ attitude towards the recent carnage of the Muslims in Gujarat. A Hindi journal had, according to him, approached these writers for eliciting their reactions to the catastrophe, but failed in its attempt and so had to pad up its special number with writings from other sources.
He also referred to a literary journal of Ahmadabad that lamented the lack of concern for the events of 9/11 among the writers. But, Ghulam Mohammad Sheikh regretted, this journal did not feel the need to point out the same lack of concern among the Gujarati writers for the holocaust that took place in 2002 in their own land. This is how Ghulam Sheikh explained the attitude of literary fraternity in Gujarat, a fraternity which is expected to rise above prevalent prejudices and has an understanding of and respect for the ‘otherness of the others’. That is exactly what justifies the Saarc Writers Conference’s, for all the writers in New Delhi seemed to have, even momentarily, developed the kind of understanding in which respect for each other is considered vital.

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Discerning social Change in Gilgit-Baltistan

Discerning social Change in Gilgit-Baltistan
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Mission Statement & Weekly VoH Publishing team

Voice of Voiceless

The blog aims to disseminate the accurate regional information without consideration of race, color, ethnicity, religion and ideology to the valuable readers across the globe. We promise to abide with the moral and professional ethics of citizen journalism through this medium of communication. The voiceless masses of this one of the most beautiful places on earth, situated in Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan experience hard times due to continuous natural and man made disasters which have left them at surviving stage. Shortly speaking, in a short span of time, Hunza valley has embraces a steady socio-economic and ecological development making it self an authentic book to read about or take a model for rest of far flung valleys bordering Chines Sinkiang province in the extreme north of the country. The haphazard material development in this comparatively small area has also served to create various socio-economic and ethical problems which ultimately served to shake the fabrics of very roots and foundations of culture and civility among dwellers. On geo-political front, analysts find a very little say of a common man in the major decisions related to regional socio-economic development, violation of meritocracy by mafias in political parties, pressure groups which safe guard their own interests, a unbridled bureaucracy, corrupt regimes that patronizing nepotism or favoritism and who wield powers in Gilgit, the main hub and capital of Gilgit-Baltistan. Rapid increase in expenditures ranging from general commodity price hikes to transportation has left no option or time for people to think on other issues.
The so called Economic-Recession, unequal distribution of wealth, concentration of opportunities towards certain beings, lack of social responsiveness and transparency in government sector and no check and balance on private sector has brought its ugly implication in terms of high unemployment, depression among the youngsters, anxiety and hatred towards system of governance.
We vow to bring fore the issues of common man at grass root level, strive to highlight irregularities in government sector and flaws in public policy and finance in a democratic way. We shall continue to give our opinion on issues of importance and determine to prove a viable platform to have a positive role for public welfare, inter-communal harmony, integrity and social justice.
Amid such a situation when even the survival of country is on stake and is defamed due to continual terrorist incidents throughout the our county, we may pray for a peaceful and prosperous future of the nation. May Lord save the peaceful Gilgit-Baltistan region from the evil designs of devils in human form.

The blog has been developed and upgrading by the efforts of the following dedicated volunteers.

Board of Editors
Editor: Shamsuddin Muhammad

Co-editor: Inam Karim
Email: inamkarim02@gmail.com

Reporting Team
Karachi: Sartaj Karim
Email: sartaj_compaq@hotmail.com

Hunza: Naeem Hamoon
Email: naeemhmn@hotmail.com

Gilgit: Aslam Shah

Email: hunzaishah@gmail.com

Islamabad: Ikramullah Baig
Email: hunza_havenonearth@yahoo.com

Voice of the voiceless!

The blog is a venture with exclusive news updates, unbiased analysis and opinion on historical, cultural, ecological, socio-economic, geopolitical and administrative issues and events occurring in country in general and the region particular. It would serve as a portfolio of credible information retained first hand from own and secondary reliable electronic and print media sources and aspire to become a powerful voice for a common man. We are committed to adhere with the professional ethics of citizen journalism, a new trend to shackle the chains of excessive curb over dissemination of reality either for any cause in the name of so-called sensor, with maximum possible accuracy and least deviation while delivering information to show the real side of picture of events so that our valuable readers will have an alternative portal to know what developments are going on various levels, particularly backward areas like that of Gilgit-Baltistan, Balochistan, Azad Jamu and Kahsmir, Tribal areas etc., across the country. One can easily discern a great social change in terms of attitudes, perceptions both in individual and society; values and reaction to the variables in daily life patterns among the dwellers of the comparatively backwards areas like Gilgit-Baltistan, a deprived region of its fundamental rights for more than six decades of its liberation from colonial yolk. In a quest to voice over issues of vital importance, keeping closer to circle of concern, Hunza, a name famous for its beauty and rich cultural heritage has been selected to represent as a case to further the cause and issues of the rest of the region. Virtually, the region especially Hunza-Nagar retained a rapid development with a short span of time after remaining isolated for centuries to out side world. The blog also aims focus largely to identify core areas from on bottom or grass root level to the top. Keeping due consideration of inter-religious harmony, tolerance, respecting pluralism, diversity, mutual respect, democracy, equal opportunity and other aspects of human rights and professional values of journalism, the blog will serve as a binding force and medium of voice of the voiceless people of the area with reference to Gilgit-Baltistan region.

The idea of creation of this blog came into my mind during a visit after spending few years of career at Karachi, capital of Southern province to the region. While traveling from south pole of the country to north, I experienced many new changes nearly in all aspects of life explicit in urban areas and implicit in rural belts: people have opted to modern technology, availed faster means of communication; task centered behavior, selfishness, following short-cuts, chase of wealth and more opportunities in their career and many more that made their lives much more easier but crazier than before. Nevertheless, the scene suddenly turned bit dim when I entered the region of Gilgit-Baltistan. I could not believe my eyes that this was the Gilgit I saw four years ago. Many things, except the faces were utterly unchanged formats primitive outlook. The Chinese bridge that linked Danyore and Gilgit and a main source of transportation was no more. Few people told me that few journalists have lost their lives in lethal road accident due to lack of arrangements on part of concerned authority to avoid the incident. Karakorum High Way (KKH), one of the highest truck able route and so-called eighth wonder in the world is under construction and many places portray nothing but a passage through a rough stony pasture. It took nearly twenty four hours from Rawalpindi to reach after an exhaustive journey to Hunza, my home town, compared to nineteen hours in past. The scenario seemed worse in Hunza, my home town which remained unchanged for last four years except a drastic decline in standard of living of more than fifty percent of the population. One may think that people have replaced muddy homes with cement ones but that are not the real yardstick of measurement of both mental and material development. Infrastructure, fixtures, telecommunication systems were largely depreciated to their estimated life coupled with inappropriate number of personnel required in educational, administrative and health institutions. The so-called economic meltdown that started from American giant Leman soon took the world into its tyrant claws, shaking many stable economies of the world including the rural areas of developing states- a big example of negligence and subjugation by the rulers of respective countries where people live not above the level of animals. Apart from the allegations on policy makers of industrialized nations having economic interest only, the poor, irrational, incompetent, self-centered and corrupt leadership in Pakistan like other third world countries where immature economies spends it larger portion of budget expenditure on defense could not resist the negative consequences of economic crisis in terms of high rate of unemployment, recession, right or down sizing, price hikes, violation of consumer rights and so on. Hunza-Nagar, like other parts of Gilgit-Baltistan was no exception. The smiling faces that greeted us once warmly few years ago turned unhappy for the crisis brought its ugly implication on the daily life pattern of an individual thus sucking down the unique attributes of population: courtesy, generosity and hospitality. Having a so-called high rate of literacy in the country unfortunately, the region is facing many problems ranging from health to drinking water and energy sector. To many, it was because of lack of geo-political awareness and excessive tendency towards NGO culture where people little bother to beg their rights from the states besides emphasis on duties. Historical chronicles vindicate that the region remained in isolation for many centuries due to a specific location and lack of access to out side world. Many dynasties ruled the area that hardly accepted change in a traditionally sophisticated feudal based society. The wheel of transition continued to move and finally the area got librated through a mutiny with the help of indigenous population from the clutches of Dogra subjugation. Later, the area was affiliated with Pakistan vide a secret treaty called Karachi Treatise as defacto part, unconditionally. Gilgit-Baltistan region got on real terms an impetus to grow from zero level with the visit of three icons of development: Aga Khan, President Ayub Khan and Z.A.Bhutto- a historic event of its nature with long standing implications on live of the people of the region.The area could hardly observed any impulse for more than half dozen years of affiliation with Pakistan when Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah, Aga Khan (3rd) first time introduced Diamond Jubilee Schools network during mid fifties in the region. A real phase of development gain impetus when Shah Karim Alhusaini, Aga Khan (fourth) stepped in the region, a population with miserable conditions in 1960. He initiated many new projects in different aspect of life, strengthening the existing educational network under the umbrella of Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) for the betterment and uplift standard of living of masses lived under poverty line. Aga Khan Development Network in collaboration with donor agencies, with a view to bring social change from grass roots level, initiated rural support programme and other services for less-privileged societies in the region. In simple words, initial projects were stretched to new areas under AKDN umbrella ranging from self-entrepreneurship to planning and building services. These development programmes served a catalyst for a common man who, earlier was confine to a certain limit where facilities and perks were confined to a specific creed, definitely a big change in society led to process of decline of so-called nobility. By, 1974, Z.A.Bhutto, chief of Pakistan Peoples Party and his cabinet undertook a disintegrated country following the fall of Dhaka, albeit eliminating princely status of numerous states gave them democratic structures, initiated socio-economic, political and administrative reforms in civil services cadres under 1973 constitution of Pakistan. These reforms opened a path for further reforms in tribal and affiliated princely states, mostly in mountain regions. Elders assert, by 1976, when Bhutto abolished the princely status of the units and replaced the princely flag with that of the country declared region formally its de-fecto part. The new development allowed for the first time a limited right of franchise and representation in a parallel council governed from capital. He in collaboration with international donor agencies like UNICEF and World Food Programme helped ensure provision of basic necessities like food to indigenous population still in poor conditions. He gave word to poor and enables to build his destiny. The facility fell a prey of Zia-ul-Haq who abolished the programme to benefit his favorite breed. He altered such programmes to facilitate Mujahideen busy fighting Afghan war against Soviet invasion on behalf of American assistance. By, 1988, before the withdrawal of USSR, Zia regime played a dirty game: as an integral strategy to get parallel success, he supported a breed of militants to eliminate all those against his faith in Gilgit-Baltistan. Unfortunately, the indigenous people could not understand his nefarious designs under the veil of religion that had to sustain his regime using divide and rule tactic and nothing to do with public welfare fell a prey of communal discord. Thousands of innocent people were brutally killed without a reason from both sides and this in turn sowed the seeds of sectarianism thus introducing a Kalashnikov culture in this region. On country’s political front, frequent interventions of military in politics in the wake of undemocratic moves of leadership, double standard attitude of bureaucracy and excessive influence of establishment forces harmed political evolution during last sixty two years of country's history. A finest dictatorship is considered worse than a worse democracy for it largely overlook the opinion of masses. The undemocratic regimes since 1952 onwards in general and during dictators’ regimes left people with no option but to support immature, corrupt and unable leadership confined to their self interests coupled with narrow vision. On global front, with the withdrawal of USSR from Afghanistan, American administration started to shift its strategy of dependency and support for Pakistan especially that to check movement and expansion of communist philosophy, an anxiety among the then US policy planners. Political front once again passed through a new change in 1999 when military took over in October 1999. Numerous Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), both national and international rapport delivered remarkable work since 1990s to 2004 in many sectors like education, health, cultural preservation, design and building.

History repeated itself, but in a new form under different circumstances after cold war, when terrorists attacked twin towers of World Trade Centre, an icon of prestige and glory of America killing thousands of innocent people as a response to US policies inviting a fresh hostility between US and Islamist groups or in other words initiated an open conflict between two countering forces. To some, hidden forces worked behind the incident: Muslims thought it was a Judaist elements while to Europe and US a strike of Islamist elements; even the then Bush administration alleged Islamist groups behind this nefarious act to initiate an open armed struggle to defy its policies and interests. The September 11 incident served a cause to create sufferings for the Muslim communities residing in America and Europe. Being a sponsoring source of Jihadist elements, Pakistan was in real trouble as it was asked either ally the US or ready to go into stone age. Consequently, Pervez Musharraf took U-turn in state policy against billions of dollars as assistance. Once again, US dependency on Pakistan after Afghan war, in an endless war against an invisible enemy in terms of Osama started, leading farmer to think to gain control over natural resources in Afghanistan and Central Asian states. As a state, Pakistan endured many hardships, mostly from inside elements, Majority of our political leadership, for instance is largely nurtured under the aegis of military establishments and always ready to achieve their own interest lest it comes to compromise on national matters, evident from the successive overthrowing of representative regimes. They could not deliver any remarkable to uplift the standard of living of a common man except false promises. It was the Musharraf regime which can be given credit for many reasons: allowed a national government to complete its five year tenure, introduced local government systems for dicentralization of power though a move to by pass the then political and administrative forces like his predecessors military dictators to bolster one man show. Apart from few of blunders in terms of killing of Akbar Bugti, subjugation of judiciary, appointment of army on service and retired personnel in institutions offering higher education, other key positions in major public organiztions and using force as a decisive force instead of dialogue his regime can be recalled for many things during last eight years. He was the first who put hand on non-state actors, brought changes in status of deprived regions like Gilgit-Baltistan bringing reforms and took initiatives to improve education and health facilities. He gave us an International University, increased woman representation, empowered Northern Light Infantry, established N.A scouts and notified Hunza-Nagar district and many more. Yet, at the same time on mass level, despite many accomplishments, it failed to address the real issues of poor. Giant fishes got most and poor further got depressed as the regime greatly revolved around the interests of Chaurdhries and lords. December 2007, shall be remembered a black day when Benazir Bhutto, a female leader of international repute was assassinated at the same place where one of the most famous Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan as killed. Country fell into chaos and observed an extreme internal and internal threat to her existence second time after 1971. Good heaven, the situation soon normalized. With the dawn of democracy, based on Benazir Bhutto's sacrifice has brought a hope of change of image of the country in global economy. PPP led contemporary government has given a new Self Governance Reforms Package 2009 ahead of poles to empower the assembly to legislate on various subjects not allowed in past and choose their own Chief Minister unanimously with the consent of Prime Minister, the head of set up-a good initiative after Z.A Bhutto's compassions for the region. The package has opened a door for more autonomy resembles to that of Azad Kashmir. Though, there are many flaws in the package yet, it will serve to reduce feeling of deprivation among the masses.

There is another side of the picture that the poor performance in many of the departments in government sector during last two years has raised many questions in our mind regarding its capability to cope the challenges that the country faces internally and externally. Public welfare, security from internal and external aggressions and provision of basic necessities to the citizens is the fundamental responsibilities of modern states. Yet, more focus on external threats under security syndrome has left the country nothing but to expend on defense-thus neglecting other sectors like education, strategic personnel planning, health, trade and industry and exploitation of natural resources to strengthen our economy. As for as the private sector especially the NGOs are concerned, the are now confine to reporting to get funds, roam and measure the length of roads in their luxury vehicles. Now it depends on flow of events that will decide the future course of history.

Shamsuddin Muhammad,

Author and Editor,



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About Me

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Hyderabad,, IslamicRepublic of Pakistan, Pakistan
I am social person with a tendency towards learning knowledge that will balance the material world and the hereafter, a legacy obtained from the family. I earned my MA (General History with specialization in Modern History) and M.A.S (Master of Administrative siences with speciliazation in HRM) both from University of Karachi in 2005 and 2007 respectively, am fond of social work and public welfare. The blog focuses on social change caused by socio- economic and geo-political impulse in the country in general and the region particular.
