Oct 21- October 31
Psychologists, socialogists and anthropologists agree on the opinion that out come behaviour of an individual,the basic unit is result of variation in different variables make up his self and over all social perception.People living in a specific periphery are greatly influenced by impulses that a society gradually adopts to keep pace with the outer world environment. Historical chronicles elaborates that Hunza had been remain in isolation for many centuries since the first aborigines settled in extremely hard climate. Long lasting implications still can be observed with reference to colonial context while delineating the influential approach to maximize territorial, though now changed to economic occupation and command using Mecheavilion tactics. In Hunza, colonial yolk has vital impact on geopolitics to transform an autonomous to a subjugated entity by 1876 onwards when Pakistan formally took control of the region. Similarly,contemporary Some choronoicles vindicates the inter-cultural, traditional, ecological links with some of the regions of present Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Kyrghstan and Southern province of China through passes across the region. Gilgit-Baltistan has had major arena to endure sphere of influences in form of Russia in the North, China in the East, British imperialism in the South-West during the tug of war between imperial powers formerly known as Great-Game to prove dominancy on each other. Hunza, like other parts of other regions of Gilgit-Baltistan is a sparsely has an inspirational history, adornd with many heroes like Raja Safdar Khan, Captain Shah Khan, Captain Sherkhan,Subdedar Safiullah and other comerades who at last get the area rid of colonial yolk by overthrowing them to liberate a subjugated nation. Like in Hunza,Raja Safdar Khan in the early phase makes History more interesting who outmanueres and surprises British with humiliation by warning British to think before leaping into discord with a brave nation. We pay our due tribute to all those who sacrifice their lives to stop the white angels enter Hunza at entry points of Nagar. Yet, lack of mutual understanding among different stack holders (the then Rajas and advisors),lack of amunition, updated war tactics and suitable infrastructure. Good heavens, Gilgit-Baltistan,once liberated was then affiliated with Pakistan by some mystrous poeple, though not elected through a secret treaty as taken for granted-thus keeping the region in limbo that destines to a mortgage it in the name Kashmir dipute. The chackered history of the region, that take us about sixty two years back teach us many lessons:subjugation begetes further subjugation if not resisted,rights are taken not granted,ease brings cowardness,short term benefits bring longrun losses, and haphazard mere material development without mental growth in society is detrimental to coming generations.
Hunza, like many areas of Gilgit-Baltistan is a sparcely populated on macro level surrounded by mighty Karakorum mountaneous range. Ecologically, it is charecterized by steppe, deserted mountains with arid surface at various levels and humidity with altitudes ultimately turns into snow covered mountains that nourish many pastures with scanty forests on the way. Given these assets a common utilization patterns for many centuries, pets like cows, oxes, yaks, sheeps and goats are kept for agricultural and general purposes. Nevertheless, the pattern has been drastically changed since October 23rd, 1960 when Shah Karim Alhusaini, Aga Khan (fourth) placed his step in this extremely poor region. He was first among 49 spritual leaders (Imams) of Ismaili faith who ever visited his followers despite many hardships on the way; initiated varous educational and social upliftment programs. This is why his followers are celeberating 49th aniversary/salgeerah of their 49th iman to commumorate his contribution to the people of the whole region in general and Hunza in particular. Before him, agriculture and animal husbandary was the prime source of sustenence with no access to any domestic market. Heavy taxes were imposed on masses based on per acre occupation with least freedom to cook a even a slight dish in any house except royal family. People had not permission to go out side Hunza to learn knowledge except a certain creed and caste. But who can block the flow of history, gradually moves the wheel of transition and a supressed nation, though educated little embrace a new development on political front in the form of dismetalation of princely status of the region by Z.A.Bhutto-thus absolving poor masses from tyrant web of taxes and other chains in life. Elders assert that it was Z.A. Bhutto who delivered some thing extra ordinary people of the region ever thought. He established a special assistance fund for the masses and sent hundreds of trucks loaded with wheat, sugar and other general commodities to help eridicate hunger and starvation among people. Many critics raise baseless questions that it was a part of his political design, by ignoring factual statements and venturing personal opinion delibrately. When decipher closely, we come to know that he was well aware about the class struggle in Pakistani society as he personally experienced and it was Bhutto who introduce Special concession for students-who were able to travel with twenty five paisas; nationalized gaint industrial estates-the main cause to sustain feudal and capitalist mindset; transfered wealth from elite to poor class and many more. He did for the region without considertion of short term gains but keeping foresight for long run political benefits in terms of affiliation of people for many generations. After all he was a human being and human is err what about the rest who change their stance with every wave. He was well aware about the sufferings and deprivations of a common man in the country for he himself experienced a rough attitude towards his mother who came from a poor family. When he saw that the subjugate poor has no say in the society, he promissed to absolve a rotten society infacted by feudal mindset to a just one by empowering a common person to enter into assemblies through vote of people to address their problems. He may had some deficiencies which were explioted later by subjugating party by fuedal forces to convert it into a party that seems to defend interests of captalists, fuedal lords and notalbes instead of common man. The party should seek the suggestions of its abiding activist to make not just a nominal peoples party but in real sense through bestowing tickets to poor to ensure and meterialize the dream of Z.A.Bhutto of empowerment of people and this implies inter party reforms. On political front, situation turned worse when General Zia toppled a democratic government, though inelastic in 1977 elections with baseless allegations of murder case of Dr. Khan. Many were surpized to observe such an overwhelming victory of the Bhutto's party and other parties alledged him for rigging. During Zia's regime his party came under official persecution. Consequently, many workers were jailed and other killed during judicial trials. Mr.Bhutto, an asset of oriental horizen himself was killed by the then dictator and is said under the dictation of US to avoid further block based alliance in terms of Islamic countries and atomic porliferation. The feudal minset and male dominant society that never accept gender equality and rule of a famale leadership, PPP led late Benazir Bhutto's both later governments were dismissed on unproved charges of corruption and lack of transparency. Pakistani establishment both civil and military supported the next governments like that of Nawaz Sharif, influenced and nurtured under dictatorship. It is a tyrany of history that a leader nourished under the shadows of a dictator was later victimized by a military dictator on murder attemp and hijaking charges. The last eight years of Gen.(retired) Musharraf's rule witnessed a major change. The incident of September 11, 2001 shifted policies of many countries including US with outer world especially with Pakistan. His response was immediate and in haste without taking stake holders in confidence by taking U-turn in foreign policy. The country that was petronizing Jihad as prime strategy was gradually converted into unwanted act. The merceneries nurtured since the Zia era under US aid net were termed terrorists; pressure to eliminate such non state actors increased gradually and in return the country observed rain of dollars, though went in few pockets. Here, it will be injustice to blame Pervez Musharaf personally rather the then Parliament, army and cilvil establishment has a due share in the case. In truth he was the only one who put his hand into heu of bees. Nevertheless, it is a fact that the main characteristic of a dictatorship regime used to neglects public opinion and take steps in haste. The sudden tilt in policy forced these merceneries trained in Aghanistan to show their reaction and resentment in terms of suicide bombing across the country.
The dawn of democracy preceded a carnage in the form of loss of Banazir Bhutto, a globally recognized leader in a sucide bombing incident in Liaqat Bagh-a witness to murder of an eminent leader after late Liaqat Ali Khan by early fiftees. It is good to observe that other parties play a supportive rule to drive the country on democractic lines by taking lessons from their past mistakes. It is also responsiblity of central government to take all parties and stake holders on issues of national interest to harmonize the situation in the country. New programmes like Benazir Bhato Incom Support, though became profound is the fruit of sacrifice late Benazir Bhutto has made for the country and credit should go to Bhutto family for their remarkable services for the contry.
Lets come to the regional matters. Gilgit-Baltistan is a sparcely populated mountanous region, junction of gigantic Karkorum, Himalayan and Hidukush ranges; and directly ruled by Islamabad as its defecto part. On social grounds if we go through records, it is evident that it was Aga Khan Development Network and other few NGOs that inspired government to initiate public walfare to an asleep ignorant nation of their civil rights. While on political front the history of last sixty two years is more painful even then before that. Rulers came and gone; lied to the masses in the name of different initiatives and packages with invisible designs to annex the area using divide and rule policy. Amdidst,the PPP led federal government has given a self governance reform package to give Gilgit Baltistan self autonomy with in the parameters of foreign policy priciples. On the whole it is considered a better step towards empowering subjugated population in the country. Nevertheless, there exist few controversial clauses needs to be address in future. Among them is appointment of an alien federal minister as regional governor and Prime Minster as its haed accompnied by six ministers who are again not elected by the people of the region. The Chief Minister and supportive six members of the council have still little power to challenge any move. Nearly all bills are subjected to the assent of Prime Minister being its chairman and governor empowered by centre. On financial matters, council is given authority to formulate, plan and to be approved after an extensive debate in the house but still not clear that who will approve it. If we try to compare Article 47 of Governance Order 2009 with the Article of 31 of Azad Kashmir constitution of 1974, a great imbalance appears. Article 47 gives Gilgit-Baltistan Legilative Assembly to legistlate on 61 subjects while AJK constitution keeps no embargo on Legislative assembly to legistlate on specific subject with in the territory. Another significant restiction imposed on both assemblies under article 30-A and article 33 of AJK 1974 constitution and G.B.Self Governance Order, 2009 respectively is that no discussion could take place in assembly, council and in joint seesion regarding conduct of Judges of supreme and apppellate courts, defence, security issues, foreign affairs and fiscal plan of central government with regad to discharging their duties. There are some strengths and long term benefit in it. The first is that it is first step towards complete autonomy. Secondly,it has helped change the perception of outside world about the region. This became visible when a strong earth quake hit Azad Kashmir and adjecent areas. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were provided as aid by donner agencies came in the name of Northern Areas. Deliberately, policy makers wrongly named the area Northern Areas that brought region with in the periphery of N.W.F.P and FATA. When later insurgency witnessed in trible belt, global community assumed Gilgit-Baltistan a part of affected area thus paralyzing an area completely free from such elements economically. The tourism and hotle industry,the main engine of economy has been badly suffered due to terrorist activities and following military operations against these non-state actors in Noth Western Frontier provice which allows Karakorum High Way, the only land passage, to pass on its chest. The change of name from Northern Areas to Gilgit-Baltistan are hoped to bring a drastic change by portraying a peaceful image that will ultimately result into patronization of tourism, hotle industry, trade and commerce across the region both by land and air means.
Being an independent mindset, complete autonomy should be the next step through democratic and civilized ways by unification and better understandig of circumstances to expliot available resources for the benefit of common man. Now, it seems that in the region, where literacy level exceeds eighty percent are politically and socially more concious.Our forefathers has a majestic history in all walks of life but unfortunately that seems destine to decline gradually except few cases. While on political front, either inable or scarcity of regional leadership failed to sail nation out of turbulent water. As a whole, one of the main deficiency today in us for the decline of the legacy is that of superiority complex-underestimate others, ignoring own faults; contempt towards even our own-selves, lack of smart working approach, readily excitement and quick loose behaviour, and fear of sound of bullet. Virtually, many of us surprise what happened to us; accounts of Hunza men of past echoes in the air still but its offsprings forgoten the legacy of bravery.Every nation experience such tendencies while coming up to a maturity levle. Only those nations can able to sustain who are united, keep norms alive, abide with moral laws, realistic in life and after all learn lesson from past experiences. Unification, patience, forgiveness and benevolence are the dire requirment to cope coming challenges in our way. It is said that three main dificiecies of human kind includes: wealth,woman and rule fits the destiny of the nation. Local representitives benificieris of bearocracy rather of masses hardly addressed the problems faced in thier every day live.
We hope that people of the region will once again be able prove their identity to retain status of a more rganized nation on globe in future ahead by shuning difference with open hearts to win their demands for the larger interest. Election proccesses are on climax in the region. It will be better if local administration implement a code of conduct to ensure use of civilize speech and mutual respect among the candidtes and party workers, for success is not a big thing but only counts how far is sustained effectively. Pakistan Peoples Party has many obligations on this region. The most vital is eridication of monarchy, replaced Princely flag with that of Pakistani flag and after all he gave the right of vote and representation to a paralyzed and issolated nation lived in severe conditions. We should remind the fact that what ever today we have in terms of democracy that allows every person a right of representaion is the foresightedness of Zulfiqar Ali Bhatto many decades ago. The rulling party has given a new package, though with many shortcomings, yet, it is hoped that this will prove a step towards complete autonomy. People have many expectations and most significant is approval of additional seat. PPPs local leadership has assured people to get not just one but two additional seats based on recensus figers. It is expected that people will cast their vote in the deocratic processes, election is a mean to send our leadership that address our miseries and problems. Vote of every individual is more expensive than he thinks. It is the difference of a single vote that declares on successful. The right of frenchise should be a rationale one that would help ensure to send a right, experienced, educatied, sicere leadership having calibre and gutts to bring a tangigle change by triggering the stimulus to change the fate of the whole region.