By: Shamsuddin Muhammad
HUNZA, Aliabad Nov. 07. District health Office arranged one day work shop,and a special walk to create more awareness about the mother-child health issues here in a local college and school on Saturday morning.

From left above: Students of HPSC, Aliabbad; Right (above) District Health Officer Hunza-Nagar Dr. M. Iqbal is speaking to audience.

Left(Above) Students and other particpants from civil society organizations listening carefully to the Medical officer Karimabad civil hospital , president Ismaili . Khawaja Khan during workshop's introductory session.

Ms. Parveen, assistan regional coordinator Mother-Child health is presenting her views during of the workshop session.
The event was attended by District Health Officer Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, SSP Hunza-Nagar Mohammmad Yousuf, Assistant commissioner Hunza Momin Jan, Dr. Khawaja Khan president Isamili regional Council, Health Officer Karimabad civil hospital Dr. Aslam Khan, and health officer female hospital wing, Karimabad Dr.Perveen, government officials and members of civil society. The programme started with inaugural session in premises of Hunza Public School and College, Aliabad at 10:00 AM.

Partcipants listening to the word of thanks by Principal HPSC, Aliabad for the informative workshop for chosing premises of the institution for an informative workshop.
Speaking at the occasion, DHO Hunza-Nagar doctor Mohammad Iqbal said in spite of financial constraints, the district health office has embark on a mission to educate mothers to their responsibilities towards new born babies, precautions and cure in case of any medical problem by disseminating related information from school and college level. He emphasized female students to discuss the pre-requisites to the mothers before and after delivery. He said that such a programme was already conducted six months earlier saying this another programme will bring more awareness to the people with respect to the health care of mother and her child. He claimed that 75 percent mothers get non-balance diet; only 47% new born babies were immunized fully while mortality rate still lies at 48% due to mal-nutrition, lack of safe drinking and hygiene matters across the country. He further said that the district health office will make efforts to get accustom mothers breast feeding and easy access to medical facility both in normal and emergency conditions. " Like the rest of the country, a major reason for high mortality rate i.e.38% was due to mal-nutrition, iodine deficiency and lack of safe drinking water," he added.
Ms. Parveen, assistant district coordinator Mother-Child health said that Pakistan was one of the country where a large number of children and mothers face health issues saying a higher mortality rate implies for constant care to these two important components of every one's family. Other speakers insisted participants to pass on information in public so that most of the public would able to benefit from health facilities currently available under such initiatives to create a healthy society.
APMLGB holds inaugural procession, pushes membership drive; a section of nationalists strengthening cause by coming under one umbrella to get rights from federation: Speakers

Speaking to the ocasion, Karim Khan (K.K) said that after a long struggle under nationalist umbrella he and his comrades now opt for APML to get their rights accepted from federation. Mohammad Shifa, a well known historian said that our forefathers liberated Gilgit-Baltistan to gain self decision making power saying both GB and AJK was, is and will be a slave territory if it continue to hasitate to demand for complete political and administrative rights. Particpants and regional leaders of party hailing from Diamer, Baltistan and Ghizer presented traditional dance on folk tunes.

Ijlal president APML Hunza-Nagar chapter called on youth to join the party to join hands to struggle agains injustice to the population of this backward area.
VoH Report
Speakers placed greater emphasis to get themselves ready to play their vital role for the development of area. They slammed Kashmiri leadership for creating hurdles in the socio-economic and political empowerment reforms on baseless claims of GB being their integral part. Speakers urged intelligentsia to play their role to reduce influence of alien forces that strive to subjugate and deprive people of the region from their rights.
Both of Hunzai public & their representatives proved incompetent on the political front and civil administration. I am sure the main cause has been communication gap between both, excessive influence of NGO culture that hinders their thinking level as political animal while the former does it self secretly, lack of political awareness, doing things at wrong time & demanding things at wrong times. Once Hunzais would get out of their political immaturity and self superiority, the actual development would start onwards. Sorry for any inconvenience!