The concept of endurance of hardships and sacrifice are among the basic theme of mythological

movements since creation of the world. Sacrifices enables a noble cause find its way with along lasting impact. Historical records elucidate the notion that certain pious personalities offered both their material and personal belongings to attain the favor of God almighty;
Quranic and Biblical narration about Abraham, a holy messenger of Lord, bowed his head before the command and offered his dearest belonging in terms of a son. Valour either physical or moral, some times is considered a virtue in itself for the it provide a guarantee to other virtues like unity, tolerance, piety, steadfastness and willingness to offer difficult and sacrifice for a worthy. There are innumerable examples of great sacrifices against oppression, usurpation, devil designs and in the way of prevalence of virtue. The greatest among those all was that of
Hussain ibne Ali,grandson of Muhammad, who laid his, his family and has companions' lives for the sake of the preservation of values of Islam. The battle was a fine show of struggle between wicked and pious, usurper and deserved forces. Truth is always victorious whether it wins or loses in all cases. According to a thinker, "there is no religion higher than truth and no man better than the one who gives his life to preserve the truth." The tragedy represents an absolute sacrifice for the prevalence of truth will serve a realm of light for generations.
Imam (A.S) accompanied by close relatives, around 128, some of the women and children from their families set on a journey full of dangers in order to avoid any confrontation . On the other side, the armed forces of
Yazid one, a successor of Omayyad dynasty, were led by
Umar ibn Sa'ad. The discord between two major tribes:
Banu Hashim and
Banu Umayya came to surface when Muawiya, the then governor of Syria defied the authority of Ali
Ibne Abi Talib,
apoointed by Arabs unanimously and revolted against him following assassination of
Hazrat Usman, the third caliph. Ali
Ibne Abi Talib accepted the
caliphat, though enjoyed earlier support of a substantial portion in terms of Imam, on request of the Islamic community in crucial times. This annoyed Omayyad who kept plotting against
Banu Hashim as a parallel rival power within the nomenclature of Islamic world. Historian are greatly agree that Muawiya followed deviation from Islamic values, gradually. In order to implement his plans, he appointed
Yazid as a heir, thus establishing a monarchical hereditary rule against the democratic Islamic pattern gained prosperity since Muhammad (P.B.U.H).
Yazid wanted to get allegiance of
Hussain Ibne Ali as an
authentic seal in order to justify his illegitimate claim on office of
caliphat and when failed used state power against him to clear the way.
Hussain Ibne Ali (A.S) after receiving many invitations from people of
Koffa, decided to leave Mecca and delivered a speech that became immortal, saying that he did not want the sanctity of
Haram to be violated, since his opponents had crossed every norm of tolerance and were ready to violate all tenants of Islam and Arab's traditional ethical codes. Imam (A.S) on a journey with his family and few of followers had no hope of a victory over arrogant
Yazid rather he headed to avoid any confrontation for the good of Islamic
Ummah. And finally Imam (A.S) along with the companions sacrificed to save Islam thus drawing a line between virtue and evil. Islamic world o the heroic deed of
Iman (A.S) and promise to abide with the values he established for rest. When we today observe around us, the situation is so profound. We are no mere confine to observe the day and forgot the essence of this great sacrifice. Imam (A.S) gave us an unprecedented message to stand against usurper,wicked and evil and devote our lives for virtue.
Globally, today Islamic community faces magnitude of challenges ranging from trust deficit to cooperation to eradicate poverty, ignorance, barrier of suspicion and fear in respect of the alleged nature of Islamic resurgence and fundamentalism on behalf of certain extremism groups backed by a specific school of thought, and effective cooperation in the field of science and technology. There are reservations of Islamic world on current war against terrorism even in liberal circles. Some analysts termed it a part of great game to paw the way for the colonization in the face of new patterns for greater control over natural resources. At the same time, the tendency of US confrontation by militant groups resulted in new measures to counter freedom movements against occupiers like in Kashmir and Palestine. The hidden factor that helped such move to exploit the situation to benefit politic are certain fundamentalist militant groups that dragged US first to Iraq then Afghanistan and now want to Pakistan as an instrumental either intentionally or unintentionally. Tyrannically, the fall out of resentment to a state inhuman policies resulted into attacks like that in World trade center, prestige of America on September 11, 2001 when thousand of innocent died with out any sin. No one will ready to justify such moves as they served to hit the ego of two fundamental powers and expelled the world in chaos and turmoil.Militants,who were utilized against USSR as mercenaries in Afghanistan through a US sponsored jihad have back fired. And in the game, many innocent lives of common masses have been lost during war against terror. Today, United Nations is unable to play its role according to its charter for it gets a large share from super powers that dictates it according to their own interests.Consequently, the vision of nations gathered in 1945 to ensure safeguarding of human rights in the hands of occupiers has failed largely, Most of the Islamic world that dictates of so-called justice and humanity, an essential engine to harness levels
socio-economic development is being hampered self interested reigns. Power will continue to play the role of a supreme arbitrator of international conflicts as long as the spirit of
Karbala is not infused in the world.
On state level, the devil of sectarianism, nepotism, pied corruption on various levels, ease for elite and subjugation of poor, rising unemployment, starvation, social injustice and enlarging gulf between poor and rich serves to weaken the vary fabrics of society. In the context of our feudal society, Islam could hardly able to bring scholarships like
Ibne Rushed and Bu Ali
Sciena and has been deprived of a progressive, humanistic spirit and relegated set of rituals and values. A comparative study of religious movements reveals tat many of the religions have bit similar ethical and moral codes with different key-notes. Like, key note of Hinduism is loyalty, Jainism has care, Christianity- love,justice of Islam, and meditation and Knowledge of Buddhist school of thought. Justice, one of the most important factor with in society is the main code in Islamic society. Majority of existing states and groups are production of sense of injustice either imaginary or real and served a main cause of change. What really prevails in Islamic world is bit different from the basic key not. Social justice, that most of the today's Islamic parts of the world dictates can hardly be observed for a law is nothing but a piece of paper. Law is scant and prevails for weak; applies the rule of law where mighty is powerful and many state institutions consider themselves above the law.
The essence of heroic deed of
Hussain Ibne Ali in
Karbala reminds us that challenges in the
Yazid's era to preserve values of Islam were dangerous to be encountered by arms alone with a sense that, through manifestation of a conscious sacrifice to give a new life to faded body politic of Islam. The great
scrifice of
Karballa thus give us for an unwavering faith, steady struggle,preservation of Islamic values, love, brotherhood, hatred to greed, compassion, tolerance,opposition to injustice and oppression, unity defy evil and after all human welfare in society.The sacrifice of
Hussain Ibne Ali portrays a wide range of ideal human qualities coupled with virtues of bravery, faith and compassion as immortal legacy of the life of any Imam. Thus,
Hussain Ibne Ali gave us a message of love, compassion, regard, faith, steadiness and talk in the eyes of tyrant against injustice. The application of such qualities will help cope challenges confronting by the oppressed with the hand of oppressors using sensitive social conscience.
The writer is a free lance researcher, writer and editor of blog: Voice of
Baltistan Echo and
alshams. He can be
contacted at: